Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
OMR Professional Quilter Investors Ethical Equity Pn Ethical Pension Global Equity 01/05/97


The Fund aims to achieve income and capital growth through investment in companies that demonstrate sound ethical practice and to outperform the FTSE World Index, net of charges, over rolling five-year periods.


Fund Size: £6.53m

As at: 28/02/22

ISIN: GB00B01C4Y66


Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Overview

This Pension product is linked to the "Quilter Investors Ethical Equity (OMW)” fund. The following information refers to the primary (OIEC) fund.


The fund is a long-only global equity portfolio with strict ethical investment exclusions and a focus on sustainable investment themes. Sustainable investment (SI), for the team at Quilter Cheviot, is the identification of companies around the world that provide solutions to the economic and environmental challenges of a cleaner and more efficient economy – delivering ‘more with less’ for a fast-growing population with a finite supply of resources, and within a carbon constrained environment.


The Fund does not invest in companies directly involved in tobacco, alcohol, gambling, armaments, pornography, nuclear power generation, banks, factory farming or animal testing.  Due to the dual focus of the investment mandate, the Fund is suitable for both ethical and sustainable investors.

Primary fund last amended: 25/05/23 09:04

Information received directly from Fund Manager

Please select what you would like to read:
  • Fund Filters


    Sustainability policy

    Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries

    Resource efficiency policy or theme

    Sustainability theme or focus

    Waste management policy or theme

    Favours cleaner, greener companies

    Sustainability focus

    Encourage more sustainable practices through stewardship

    Circular economy theme

    Nature & Biodiversity

    Water stewardship policy

    Climate Change & Energy

    Nuclear exclusion policy

    Coal, oil & / or gas majors excluded

    Invests in clean energy / renewables

    Fracking and tar sands excluded

    Clean / renewable energy theme or focus

    Arctic drilling exclusion

    Fossil fuel reserves exclusion

    Energy efficiency theme

    Require net zero action plan from all/most companies

    Fossil fuel exploration exclusion - direct involvement

    Targeted Positive Investments

    EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings 5-25% of fund assets

    EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings >25% of fund assets

    Invests >25% of fund in environmental/social solutions companies

    Invests >50% of fund in environmental/social solutions companies

    Human Rights

    Human rights policy

    Child labour exclusion

    Oppressive regimes (not free or democratic) exclusion policy

    Social / Employment

    Favours companies with strong social policies

    Mining exclusion

    Meeting Peoples' Basic Needs

    Water / sanitation policy or theme

    Demographic / ageing population theme

    Responsible food production or agriculture theme

    Ethical Values Led Exclusions

    Ethical policies

    Animal testing exclusion policy

    Tobacco and related product manufacturers excluded

    Armaments manufacturers avoided

    Alcohol production excluded

    Gambling avoidance policy

    Pornography avoidance policy

    Gilts / government bonds - exclude all

    Gilts / government bonds - exclude some

    Banking & Financials

    Exclude banks with significant fossil fuel investments

    Governance & Management

    Avoids companies with poor governance

    Encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship activity

    Fund Governance

    ESG integration strategy

    Employ external (fund) oversight or advisory committee

    External (fund) committee has veto powers

    Asset Size & Metrics

    Over 50% large cap companies

    Invests mostly in large cap companies

    How The Fund Works

    Strictly screened ethical fund

    Positive selection bias

    Negative selection bias

    Combines norms based exclusions with other SRI criteria

    Combines ESG strategy with other SRI criteria

    Focus on ESG risk mitigation

    SRI / ESG / Ethical policies explained on website

    Impact Methodologies

    Invests in environmental solutions companies

    Invests in sustainability / ESG disruptors

    Aim to deliver positive impacts through engagement

    Over 50% in assets providing environmental or social ‘solutions’

    Labels & Accreditations

    RSMR rated (OEIC funds only)

    Intended Clients & Product Options

    Intended for investors interested in sustainability

    Available via an ISA (OEIC only)

    Portfolio SRI / ESG options available (DFMs)

    Multiple SRI / ESG portfolio options available (DFMs)

    Bespoke SRI / ESG portfolios available (DFMs)

    Fund management company information

    About The Business

    ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / stewardship policy or strategy (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership policy for non SRI funds (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / ESG a key differentiator (AFM company wide)

    Vote all* shares at AGMs / EGMs (AFM company wide)

    Integrates ESG factors into all / most fund research

    In-house diversity improvement programme (AFM company wide)

    Senior management KPIs include environmental goals (AFM company wide)

    Vulnerable client policy on website (AFM company wide)

    Offer structured intermediary training on sustainable investment

    Offer unstructured intermediary sustainable investment training


    In-house responsible ownership / voting expertise

    Employ specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability researchers

    Use specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability research companies

    Collaborations & Affiliations

    PRI signatory

    UKSIF member

    Climate Action 100+ or IIGCC member

    Fund EcoMarket partner

    Investment Association (IA) member


    UK Stewardship Code signatory (AFM company wide)

    PRI A+ rated (AFM company wide)

    Engagement Approach

    Engaging on climate change issues

    Engaging with fossil fuel companies on climate change

    Engaging on biodiversity / nature issues

    Engaging on human rights issues

    Engaging on diversity, equality and / or inclusion issues

    Engaging on responsible supply chain issues

    Company Wide Exclusions

    Controversial weapons avoidance policy (AFM company wide)

    Climate & Net Zero Transition

    Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)


    Publish full voting record (AFM company wide)

    Publish responsible ownership / stewardship report (AFM company wide)

    Full SRI policy information on company website

    Full SRI policy information available on request

  • Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

    We employ an independent specialist firm (Ethical Screening) to oversee the screening of potential investments against the ethical criteria. The fund strategy complies with the ethical policy - it does not invest in companies directly involved in tobacco, alcohol, gambling, armaments, pornography, nuclear power generation, banks, factory farming or animal testing, and no investment is made without it being approved by Ethical Screening. This ensures the exclusions are applied fairly and consistently.


    The application of these restrictions is coupled with positive sustainable investment selection. The identification of companies around the world that provide solutions to the economic and environmental challenges of a cleaner and more efficient economy – delivering ‘more with less’ for a fast-growing population with a finite supply of resources, and within a carbon constrained environment. We identify conviction ideas within our four sustainable investment themes: Clean Energy, Food, Resource and Water. To select our holdings, we use a combination of quantitative analysis, in-house fundamental research, brokers’ research notes and management meetings.


    We recognize that well managed companies are better placed to generate long term returns to clients. As such, we aim to identify, understand, and monitor the key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues surrounding the companies, sectors, and regions in which we invest.


  • Process

    The funds’ ethical screening is carried out by an independent third-party research specialist, Ethical Screening. The focus is on mid and large-cap equities, and we do not invest in blue-sky type/start-up companies.  The strategy tends to focus on established business models and cash generative companies. Security selection is focused across four investment themes: Clean Energy, Food, Resource Efficiency and Water.  The investment process is centralized, and final investment oversight is provided by the Chief Investment Strategist. The fund managers leverage from the in-house investment expertise of investment committees and Research Analysts.


    Please note:

    We have recently carried out a fresh review of our assessment criteria for our fund holdings.

    Our Human Rights exclusion looks to avoid companies that are based in countries with questionable human rights records. Whilst child labour is not specifically mentioned, it forms part of the wider Human Rights exclusion, and as such it will be flagged during the ESG screening process for any potential holdings.

    Further information can be found in our Annual Sustainability Report (link below).

    sustainable-investment-annual-report-march-2022.pdf (



  • Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

    Quilter Cheviot has a dedicated responsible investment team of 6 who design and implement our approach to incorporating ESG factors and active ownership into the investment process. 


    Our Sustainable Investment team of 8 manages the dedicated investment strategy which includes the Climate Assets Funds. The team includes one dedicated Sustainable Investment Specialist who is responsible for the team’s sustainable investment process including framework for utilising UN Sustainable Development Goal Analysis. Management of the Funds is supported by inputs from a number of data and research providers, further detail on our investment process can be found in our Climate Assets Sustainable Investment Report.

    We are members either through Quilter plc, or in our own right of several formal or informal groups which may facilitate collaboration with other investors, including:

    Our approach to Stewardship:

    Stewardship | Quilter Cheviot


Fund Name DS SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
OMR Professional Quilter Investors Ethical Equity Pn Ethical Pension Global Equity

Fund Size: £6.53

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £

Total assets under management: £

As at: 28/02/22

Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

We employ an independent specialist firm (Ethical Screening) to oversee the screening of potential investments against the ethical criteria. The fund strategy complies with the ethical policy - it does not invest in companies directly involved in tobacco, alcohol, gambling, armaments, pornography, nuclear power generation, banks, factory farming or animal testing, and no investment is made without it being approved by Ethical Screening. This ensures the exclusions are applied fairly and consistently.


The application of these restrictions is coupled with positive sustainable investment selection. The identification of companies around the world that provide solutions to the economic and environmental challenges of a cleaner and more efficient economy – delivering ‘more with less’ for a fast-growing population with a finite supply of resources, and within a carbon constrained environment. We identify conviction ideas within our four sustainable investment themes: Clean Energy, Food, Resource and Water. To select our holdings, we use a combination of quantitative analysis, in-house fundamental research, brokers’ research notes and management meetings.


We recognize that well managed companies are better placed to generate long term returns to clients. As such, we aim to identify, understand, and monitor the key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues surrounding the companies, sectors, and regions in which we invest.


Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Process:

The funds’ ethical screening is carried out by an independent third-party research specialist, Ethical Screening. The focus is on mid and large-cap equities, and we do not invest in blue-sky type/start-up companies.  The strategy tends to focus on established business models and cash generative companies. Security selection is focused across four investment themes: Clean Energy, Food, Resource Efficiency and Water.  The investment process is centralized, and final investment oversight is provided by the Chief Investment Strategist. The fund managers leverage from the in-house investment expertise of investment committees and Research Analysts.


Please note:

We have recently carried out a fresh review of our assessment criteria for our fund holdings.

Our Human Rights exclusion looks to avoid companies that are based in countries with questionable human rights records. Whilst child labour is not specifically mentioned, it forms part of the wider Human Rights exclusion, and as such it will be flagged during the ESG screening process for any potential holdings.

Further information can be found in our Annual Sustainability Report (link below).

sustainable-investment-annual-report-march-2022.pdf (



Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

Quilter Cheviot has a dedicated responsible investment team of 6 who design and implement our approach to incorporating ESG factors and active ownership into the investment process. 


Our Sustainable Investment team of 8 manages the dedicated investment strategy which includes the Climate Assets Funds. The team includes one dedicated Sustainable Investment Specialist who is responsible for the team’s sustainable investment process including framework for utilising UN Sustainable Development Goal Analysis. Management of the Funds is supported by inputs from a number of data and research providers, further detail on our investment process can be found in our Climate Assets Sustainable Investment Report.

We are members either through Quilter plc, or in our own right of several formal or informal groups which may facilitate collaboration with other investors, including:

Our approach to Stewardship:

Stewardship | Quilter Cheviot



