Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
ARC Time Social Long Income Feeder Trust Socially Focused OEIC/Unit Trust UK Property 18/05/17


Fund Size: £140.70m

Total assets under management: £2000.00m

As at: 30/06/23

ISIN: GB00BJK12V00, GB00BJK12S70, GB00BJK12W17, GB00BJK12X24, GB00BJK12Q56, GB00BJK12P40, GB00BJK12T87, GB00BJK12R63

Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Overview

The aim of the Fund is to offer Shareholders a consistent income stream with some capital growth prospects through acquiring social infrastructure assets.


Social infrastructure assets are freehold or long-term leasehold property assets or other infrastructure assets which are let to providers of social services (such as those providing supported or assisted living, social housing, homes for the homeless, primary care, secondary care, high complex care or education) in the public and private sector. The assets targeted by the fund are typically let on long-term leases (with initial leasehold terms in excess of 15 years) and are expected to provide investors with a secure long term, inflation correlated income stream and capital growth, whilst generating a positive social impact.

Primary fund last amended: 04/01/24 06:48

Information received directly from Fund Manager

Please select what you would like to read:
  • Fund Filters


    Environmental policy

    Sustainability policy

    Sustainability focus

    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) focus

    Climate Change & Energy

    Invests in clean energy / renewables

    Clean / renewable energy theme or focus

    Energy efficiency theme

    Social / Employment

    Social policy

    Health & wellbeing policies or theme

    Meeting Peoples' Basic Needs

    Invests in social property (freehold)

    Banking & Financials

    Predatory lending exclusion

    Banking exclusion

    Exclude banks with significant fossil fuel investments

    Financial institutions exclusion

    Governance & Management

    Governance policy

    Anti-bribery and corruption policy

    Digital / cyber security policy

    UN sanctions exclusion

    Fund Governance

    ESG integration strategy

    ESG factors included in Assessment of Value (AoV) report

    How The Fund Works

    Positive selection bias

    Significant harm exclusion

    Assets mapped to SDGs

    Impact Methodologies

    Aims to generate positive impacts (or 'outcomes')

    Measures positive impacts

    Positive social impact theme

    Labels & Accreditations

    RSMR rated (OEIC funds only)

    Fund management company information

    About The Business

    ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

    Diversity, equality & inclusion engagement policy (AFM company wide)

    Boutique / specialist fund management company

    Integrates ESG factors into all / most fund research

    Collaborations & Affiliations

    PRI signatory

    UKSIF member

    Company Wide Exclusions

    Coal exclusion policy (group wide coal mining exclusion policy)

    Climate & Net Zero Transition

    Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)

    Voting policy includes net zero targets (AFM company wide)


    Full SRI policy information available on request

    Sustainability transition plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

  • Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

    As above, the Fund invests in social infrastructure assets within sectors such social housing, healthcare and education. The assets it holds are directly held freehold or leasehold properties, and are let to tenants that provide services in these sectors. UK only.


    As part of the investment process the Fund focuses on the above aim, and looks to invest in properties that will be in demand and be able to supply the relevant services for a long period of time. Therefore the Fund focuses on sectors where there are positive long term demand/supply dynamics, and invest in properties that are fit for purpose over that period and provide the tenants with the facilities to support them in providing the best outcomes for the relevant individuals.


    Because of this approach the Fund contributes to a number of UN SDGs via its assets and creates social value which can be measured.


  • Process

    • The Fund looks to invest in social infrastructure sectors that have been approved by the Investment Committee
    • Sector papers are produced for each sector which explore the dynamics of that social infrastructure sector, including the contractual and operational relationships, long term supply/demand, risk factors, barriers to entry, sustainability of rent and ESG aspects
    • Through a number of avenues the Fund then targets assets within these sectors that meet the defined criteria
    • The assets are typically let for periods in excess of 15 years and are of real importance to the tenant/operator. Quite often we work in conjunction with tenants and/or have discussions with the tenant about why the property is of importance and what they are looking to achieve from being in occupation, such as serving a specific population or meeting a specific need.
    • The properties the Fund invests in are typically purpose built or substantially redesigned/renovated to meet the requirements of the tenant and the services provided.
    • As well as the social benefit created the Fund will also receive a rental income which typically is linked to an inflation index. The long lease and structured rent review also gives the tenant clarity of occupation and visibility of rental commitments.
    • Once an asset is identified the Fund will look to agree terms.
    • All investments are subject to investment committee approval and depositary sign off.
    • As part of the ongoing evaluation, investment committee approval and depositary sign off, a number of elements are carried out. These include the following elements related to ESG:- building and environmental survey (inc flood risk assessment and EPC rating), regulator review (Ofsted, CQC etc), anticipated social value assessment, alignment to UN SDG assessment and climate risk (value-at-risk assessment).
    • Third party independent advisers are used to produce the above assessments which are then reviewed by the fund manager, investment committee and depositary.
    • Subject to the above and other non ESG related aspects the investment committee and depositary will decide on whether to grant approval.
  • Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

    Chief Investment Officer & Head of Sustainability has overall responsibility for ESG integration and is in the process of hiring additional staff.


    We are members of UKSIF, UN Compact, UN PRI

  • Literature

    Fund Holdings

    Voting Record

Fund Name DS SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
ARC Time Social Long Income Feeder Trust Socially Focused OEIC/Unit Trust UK Property

Fund Size: £140.70

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £

Total assets under management: £2000.00

As at: 30/06/23

Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

As above, the Fund invests in social infrastructure assets within sectors such social housing, healthcare and education. The assets it holds are directly held freehold or leasehold properties, and are let to tenants that provide services in these sectors. UK only.


As part of the investment process the Fund focuses on the above aim, and looks to invest in properties that will be in demand and be able to supply the relevant services for a long period of time. Therefore the Fund focuses on sectors where there are positive long term demand/supply dynamics, and invest in properties that are fit for purpose over that period and provide the tenants with the facilities to support them in providing the best outcomes for the relevant individuals.


Because of this approach the Fund contributes to a number of UN SDGs via its assets and creates social value which can be measured.


Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Process:

  • The Fund looks to invest in social infrastructure sectors that have been approved by the Investment Committee
  • Sector papers are produced for each sector which explore the dynamics of that social infrastructure sector, including the contractual and operational relationships, long term supply/demand, risk factors, barriers to entry, sustainability of rent and ESG aspects
  • Through a number of avenues the Fund then targets assets within these sectors that meet the defined criteria
  • The assets are typically let for periods in excess of 15 years and are of real importance to the tenant/operator. Quite often we work in conjunction with tenants and/or have discussions with the tenant about why the property is of importance and what they are looking to achieve from being in occupation, such as serving a specific population or meeting a specific need.
  • The properties the Fund invests in are typically purpose built or substantially redesigned/renovated to meet the requirements of the tenant and the services provided.
  • As well as the social benefit created the Fund will also receive a rental income which typically is linked to an inflation index. The long lease and structured rent review also gives the tenant clarity of occupation and visibility of rental commitments.
  • Once an asset is identified the Fund will look to agree terms.
  • All investments are subject to investment committee approval and depositary sign off.
  • As part of the ongoing evaluation, investment committee approval and depositary sign off, a number of elements are carried out. These include the following elements related to ESG:- building and environmental survey (inc flood risk assessment and EPC rating), regulator review (Ofsted, CQC etc), anticipated social value assessment, alignment to UN SDG assessment and climate risk (value-at-risk assessment).
  • Third party independent advisers are used to produce the above assessments which are then reviewed by the fund manager, investment committee and depositary.
  • Subject to the above and other non ESG related aspects the investment committee and depositary will decide on whether to grant approval.

Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

Chief Investment Officer & Head of Sustainability has overall responsibility for ESG integration and is in the process of hiring additional staff.


We are members of UKSIF, UN Compact, UN PRI


