Fund EcoMarket
the sustainable, responsible and ethical investment information hub

Fund Name(s):
  • Pictet Water Fund
Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date

Pictet Water Fund
Environmentally Focused SICAV/Offshore* Global Equity 19/01/2000

Fund Size: £7094.00m

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £108000.00

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £202000.00

Total assets under management: £20200.00

As at: 31/03/23



Our Water strategy invests across the entire water value chain. We look for service companies producing and distributing drinking water to consumers. We also look for companies active in collection and treatment of wastewater, as well as those developing water technologies for companies and consumers. We also invest in companies developing efficient irrigation systems and in companies improving waste management, thereby protecting groundwater quality.


Fund information


Environmental policy

Sustainability policy

Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries

Environmental damage and pollution policy

Favours cleaner, greener companies

Waste management policy or theme

UN Global Compact linked exclusion policy

Sustainability focus

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) focus

Report against sustainability objectives

Encourage more sustainable practices through stewardship

Transition focus

Nature & Biodiversity

Deforestation / palm oil policy

Plastics policy / reviewing plastics

Unsustainable / illegal deforestation exclusion policy

Avoids genetically modified seeds/crop production

Responsible palm oil policy

Genetic engineering exclusion

Water stewardship policy

Climate Change & Energy

Nuclear exclusion policy

Coal, oil & / or gas majors excluded

Climate change / greenhouse gas emissions policy

Invests in clean energy / renewables

Fracking and tar sands excluded

Arctic drilling exclusion

Energy efficiency theme

TCFD reporting requirement

Fossil fuel exploration exclusion - direct involvement

Fossil fuel exploration exclusion – indirect involvement

Targeted Positive Investments

EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings 5-25% of fund assets

EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings >25% of fund assets

Invests >25% of fund in environmental/social solutions companies

Invests >50% of fund in environmental/social solutions companies

Human Rights

Human rights policy

Child labour exclusion

Responsible supply chain policy or theme

Modern slavery exclusion policy

Social / Employment

Social policy

Health & wellbeing policies or theme

Favours companies with strong social policies

Mining exclusion

Meeting Peoples' Basic Needs

Water / sanitation policy or theme

Ethical Values Led Exclusions

Ethical policies

Animal testing exclusion policy

Tobacco and related product manufacturers excluded

Armaments manufacturers avoided

Alcohol production excluded

Gambling avoidance policy

Pornography avoidance policy

Gilts / government bonds - exclude all

Gilts / government bonds - exclude some

Civilian firearms production exclusion

Banking & Financials

Exclude banks with significant fossil fuel investments

Governance & Management

Governance policy

Anti-bribery and corruption policy

Avoids companies with poor governance

Encourage board diversity e.g. gender

Encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship activity

Fund Governance

ESG integration strategy

Employ external (fund) oversight or advisory committee

Asset Size & Metrics

Over 50% large cap companies

Invests in small, mid and large cap companies

Invests mostly in large cap companies

How The Fund Works

Balances company 'pros and cons' / best in sector

Strictly screened ethical fund

Positive selection bias

Negative selection bias

Norms focus

Combines norms based exclusions with other SRI criteria

Combines ESG strategy with other SRI criteria

ESG weighted / tilt

Focus on ESG risk mitigation

SRI / ESG / Ethical policies explained on website

Assets mapped to SDGs

All assets (except cash) meet published sustain'y criteria

Impact Methodologies

Aims to generate positive impacts (or 'outcomes')

Measures positive impacts

Positive environmental impact theme

Invests in environmental solutions companies

Invests in sustainability / ESG disruptors

Described as an ‘impact investment fund’

Aim to deliver positive impacts through engagement

Over 50% in assets providing environmental or social ‘solutions’

Labels & Accreditations

Eurosif Transparency

SFDR Article 9 fund / product (EU)

Intended Clients & Product Options

Intended for investors interested in sustainability

Available via an ISA (OEIC only)

Intended for clients who want to have a positive impact

Fund management company information

About The Business

ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

Responsible ownership / stewardship policy or strategy (AFM company wide)

Responsible ownership policy for non SRI funds (AFM company wide)

Responsible ownership / ESG a key differentiator (AFM company wide)

Vote all* shares at AGMs / EGMs (AFM company wide)

Diversity, equality & inclusion engagement policy (AFM company wide)

Sustainable property strategy (AFM company wide)

Boutique / specialist fund management company

Integrates ESG factors into all / most fund research

In-house diversity improvement programme (AFM company wide)

Senior management KPIs include environmental goals (AFM company wide)

Invests in newly listed companies (AFM company wide)

Invests in new sustainability linked bond issuances (AFM company wide)

Offer structured intermediary training on sustainable investment


In-house responsible ownership / voting expertise

Employ specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability researchers

Use specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability research companies

Collaborations & Affiliations

PRI signatory

Climate Action 100+ or IIGCC member

Fund EcoMarket partner

GFANZ member (AFM company wide)

UN Principles of Responsible Banking framework signatory-co wide

TNFD forum member (AFM company wide)

Investment Association (IA) member


UK Stewardship Code signatory (AFM company wide)

PRI A+ rated (AFM company wide)

Engagement Approach

Regularly lead collaborative ESG initiatives (AFM company wide)

Engaging on climate change issues

Engaging with fossil fuel companies on climate change

Engaging to reduce plastics pollution / waste

Engaging to encourage responsible mining practices

Engaging on biodiversity / nature issues

Engaging to encourage a Just Transition

Engaging on human rights issues

Engaging on labour / employment issues

Engaging on diversity, equality and / or inclusion issues

Engaging on governance issues

Engaging on responsible supply chain issues

Company Wide Exclusions

Coal exclusion policy (group wide coal mining exclusion policy)

Controversial weapons avoidance policy (AFM company wide)

Fossil fuel exclusion policy (AFM company wide)

Climate & Net Zero Transition

Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)

Net Zero commitment (AFM company wide)

Working towards a ‘Net Zero’ commitment (AFM company wide)

Carbon offsetting - offset carbon as part of our net zero plan (AFM company wide)

In-house carbon / GHG reduction policy (AFM company wide)

Publish 'CEO owned' Climate Risk policy (AFM company wide)

Net Zero - have set a Net Zero target date (AFM company wide)

Committed to SBTi / Science Based Targets Initiative


Publish full voting record (AFM company wide)

Publish responsible ownership / stewardship report (AFM company wide)

Full SRI policy information on company website

Paris Alignment plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

Net Zero transition plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

Sustainability transition plan publicly available (AFM company wide)


We believe that the allocation of capital to firms developing solutions to global water challenges leads to a win-win proposition. On one hand companies providing such solutions experience growth superior to that of the market which, aggregated in a diversified portfolio, can display superior risk-adjusted return characteristics. Simultaneously, they have a positive impact on our society and the environment as their products and services are focused on developing technologies that improve water quality, maximize water efficiency or increase the number of households connected to networks.



We identify an initial universe of listed companies active in the water value chain (less than 2% of the global equity universe). We then screen out companies with less than 20% purity to the water theme.

We define purity as the proportion of the enterprise value (EV) of a company derived from activities related to the theme (other metrics such as sales, EBIT or EBITDA can be employed as well).

By applying the positive screen, we narrow the universe down from 40,000 to 250 companies with high exposure to the theme.

Activities linked to branded bottled water are not considered a part of the theme. Water rights are often politically sensitive and can infringe on the HR to water, hence we currently do no invest in such activities.


When defining the investment universe of Thematic strategies, we systematically exclude stocks that have negative impacts on the environment or society. If a company’s revenues generated by such activities are above the threshold, the company is excluded from the universe.


We also exclude companies in severe material breach of UN Global Compact Principles on human rights, labour standards, environmental protection, and anti-bribery/corruption.


Exclusions are based on reliable sources gathered from reputable third-party research providers. Pictet AM retains full discretion over exclusions and always reserves the right to deviate from third party information on a case-by-case basis.

We monitor the exposure to all activities that might be perceived as controversial by some investors. We use Sustainalytics as our external data provider and enhance it with company disclosures and our own research.



Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

Pictet Asset Management has a dedicated ESG Team which leads and co-ordinates implementation of our responsible investment policy, including ESG integration in investment processes, ownership practices, risk management and reporting tools. The ESG Team reports directly to Sébastien Eisinger, Managing Partner Pictet Group, Co-CEO Pictet Asset Management and Head of Investments.

Key responsibilities include:


  • Selection and due-diligence of external data providers in collaboration with investment teams and other B/Ls
  • Development of proprietary assessment methodologies (eg sector-specific “E&S Deep Dives”, sovereign issuers)
  • Integration of relevant ESG datasets in IT systems and definition of quality checks
  • Training and awareness raising of investment teams

Active Ownership

  • Definition of engagement strategy and proxy voting policy
  • Co-ordinate targeted engagements and participation in collaborative initiatives
  • Consensus building between investment teams on specific resolutions

Pictet Asset Management has been a signatory of the UNPRI since 2007. In addition, Pictet Asset Management actively participates in several investor initiatives aimed at sharing best practices between asset managers and owners and encouraging corporate disclosure on ESG issues. We are notably involved in the IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change), SSF (Swiss Sustainable Finance) and similar organisation in the UK, Germany and Spain.


Pictet Group and / or Pictet Asset Management supports and actively participates in international and national initiatives, organisations and partnerships including the below (which indicates Pictet’s involvement, year joined and key areas of focus) :

  • FNG, SpainSIF: Member (2006) - Transparency on ESG
  • UNPRI: Signatory (2007) - Transparency on ESG
  • Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS): Member, Research Partnership: Megatrends Research (2007) - Interdisciplinary academic disciplines
  • CDP: Member (2007) - Carbon
  • Swiss Climate Foundation: Corporate sponsor (2008) - Climate
  • Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG): Institutional Partner (Pictet Group), President Strategy and Surveillance Committee (2008) - Promotion of sustainable finance
  • EFAMA (European Fund and Asset Management Association): Member of the Stewardship Market Integrity & ESG Investment Standing Committee (2010) - Fund and Asset Management
  • Climate Bond Initiative: Member of the Standards Board (2013) - Climate
  • IIGCC (Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change): Member of the Adaptation & Resilience Working Group (2013) - Climate
  • FTSE Environmental Markets: Member of the Advisory Committee (2013) - Environment
  • Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF): Founding member (2014) - Promotion of the integration of sustainability in the financial industry
  • JP Stewardship Code: Signatory (2014) - Stewardship standards
  • Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC): Research Partnership: Planetary Boundaries Framework (from 2014-ongoing), Mistra Biodiversity Finance programme (from 2022) (2014) - Core focus is to advance research in the frontier of biosphere-based sustainability science, applying a social ecological approach and resilience thinking
  • Investment Association: Member of the Sustainability and Responsible Investment Committee (2018) - Stewardship and Corporate governance
  • Climate Action 100+: Collaborative Engagement (2018) - Climate
  • Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI): Signatory (Pictet Group) (2018) - Delivery of nutritious, affordable foods.
  • Empower: Partnership (2019) - Youth at Risk
  • UNEP Finance Initiative: Signatory (Pictet Group) (2019) - Environment
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Signatory (2020) - Consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures
  • FAIRR: Member (2021) - Animal agriculture
  • ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network): Member (2021) - Governance
  • Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI): Signatory (Pictet Group) (2021) - Climate
  • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative: Signatory (Pictet Group) (2021) - Climate
  • ESG Data Convergence Project: Steering Committee member (Pictet Group) (2021) - ESG metrics
  • UN Principles on Responsible Banking: Signatory (Pictet Group) (2021) - Sustainable/responsible banking
  • UK Stewardship Code 2020: Signatory (2022) - Stewardship standards
  • Institute of International Finance (IIF): Research Partnership: Bonds that build back better (2022) - Green, transition, social, sustainability & sustainability-linked bonds
  • Responsible Investing Association (RIA): Member (2022) - Canada's industry association for responsible investment
  • Ceres Valuing Water Finance Initiative: Signatory (Pictet Group) (2022) - Water
  • Finance for Biodiversity Foundation: Member (Pictet Group); participants in the Impact Assessment and Engagement Working Groups. (2022) - Biodiversity
  • Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD): Member of TNFD Forum (Pictet Group) (2022) - Risk management and disclosure framework on nature-related issues
  • UN Global Compact: Signatory (Pictet Group) (2022) - Global sustainability principles

Source: Pictet Asset Management, [April 2023]


Other industry associations:

  • Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS): Member (Pictet Group), Member of the Distribution, Taxes Specialist Committees (1993) - Swiss Asset Management industry development
  • German Investment Funds Association (BVI): Member (2004) - German Asset Management industry development
  • International Capital Markets Association (ICMA): Member (xx) Securities market


Furthermore, Pictet, together with Swiss Sustainable Finance, was leading an initiative to put pressure on index providers to remove controversial weapon manufacturers from mainstream indices. The initiative, launched in August 2018, secured the backing of 174 signatories controlling over USD 9.7 trillion and including international asset owners and managers (as of January 2020). This initiative has now been closed due to inclusion of controversial weapons exposure disclosures in draft RTS and EU Benchmarking regulation.



Last amended: 25/01/24 10:45

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This report is for information purposes only and is intended to complement existing services used by UK based financial advisers only. sriServices is not authorised to give investment advice. The information on this site does not in any way constitute advice, recommendation or endorsement of any product or service. Investment decisions should not be based on this information alone. sriServices cannot be held in any way responsible for decisions made or advice offered as a result of using this site.

Whilst we take care to ensure information is as accurate as possible at time of publication we recommend you/financial advisers confirm specific fund details with fund providers. Please see for additional information and for our contact details.

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