Fund EcoMarket
the sustainable, responsible and ethical investment information hub

Fund Name(s):
  • EF Tellsons Endeavour Fund
Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
EF Tellsons Endeavour Fund ESG Plus OEIC/Unit Trust Global Mixed Asset 03/02/2014

Fund Size: £50.00m

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £50.00

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £50.00

Total assets under management: £50.00

As at: 28/02/23



The heart of the Endeavour investment process has always been the search for sources of return that the managers feel can be sustained over the long-term, from businesses that they believe can be relied on to deliver to expectations, the most dependable. These businesses may just as likely be operating in mature, regulated low growth sectors as innovative, dynamic secular growth sectors and displaying strong brand, technology, price, or cost leadership on the one hand, with perhaps high barriers to entry, regulatory frameworks and highly disciplined balance sheet management on the other. Seeking out the consistency of dividends, the contractual security of bond coupons and consensus estimates for steady growth - at least as a starting point - the Endeavour process naturally captures a lot of businesses where management strategy and culture reflect the highest operational standards. Amongst such standards, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues rank increasingly prominently and often distinguish these companies as leaders in their fields. The managers of the Endeavour Fund do not negatively screen for ESG investments based on a sense of historical or subjective ethical judgement; rather the starting point for them is that company management set their goals and responsibilities prioritising the interests of the widest stakeholder community and, with pragmatism, should set the standard in their sectors for how they go about it.


For example, the managers do not consider the oil and gas sector as unethical or uninvestible per se; far from it, it would in their opinion actually be unethical to withhold capital investment from an industry that is today the mainstay of affordable energy and the basis of 100 years of relief from poverty and improved living standards for billions, whilst progressively shifting their operations towards cleaner fuels and investing in the development of the next generation of sustainable, renewable energy sources.


Likewise, it is not all carbonated drink and snack food makers who contribute to the inexorable rise in obesity and diabetes rates globally; some are leading the way with healthier ingredients, lower sugar content and replacement products and in educating their customers into new consumption habits. In another example, defence companies in and of themselves may not be considered unethical investments as defence capability in our opinion has always played a vital part in the framework of international peace. That said, some defence companies and some defence products supplied to some countries may well be considered unethical, in the managers’ opinion, and avoided as investments.


We are fortunate in western democratic countries to have the structures of government, institutions and accountability to trust that what is legal in our societies is broadly and increasingly ethical. We believe our investment and corporate engagement process makes a modest but relevant contribution to that evolution: seeking out the probable rather than speculating the possible - a philosophy of stewardship and persistence rather than outright performance - Endeavour naturally appears to capture a lot of ESG characteristics: by country and by capitalisation, by dividend and by growth, by conviction and by success, the Endeavour Fund appears to have captured more ESG factors than over 90% of the Morningstar rated fund universe in the years since the service was launched in 2015……probably one of the most naturally sustainable funds available in the market today, it is ESG that seems to have found Endeavour.


Fund information


Favours cleaner, greener companies

Sustainability focus

Encourage more sustainable practices through stewardship

Climate Change & Energy

Invests in clean energy / renewables

Encourage transition to low carbon through stewardship activity

Human Rights

Child labour exclusion

Social / Employment

Favours companies with strong social policies

Ethical Values Led Exclusions

Tobacco and related product manufacturers excluded

Governance & Management

Encourage board diversity e.g. gender

Encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship activity

Fund Governance

ESG integration strategy

Asset Size & Metrics

Over 50% large cap companies

Invests mostly in large cap companies

How The Fund Works

Balances company 'pros and cons' / best in sector

Limited / few ethical exclusions*

Positive selection bias

Negative selection bias

Norms focus

Combines ESG strategy with other SRI criteria

ESG weighted / tilt

Focus on ESG risk mitigation

Impact Methodologies

Positive social impact theme

Intended Clients & Product Options

Intended for investors interested in sustainability

Available via an ISA (OEIC only)

Fund management company information

About The Business

ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

Responsible ownership / stewardship policy or strategy (AFM company wide)

Responsible ownership / ESG a key differentiator (AFM company wide)

Vote all* shares at AGMs / EGMs (AFM company wide)

Boutique / specialist fund management company

Integrates ESG factors into all / most fund research


In-house responsible ownership / voting expertise

Use specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability research companies

Engagement Approach

Encourage responsible corporate taxation (AFM company wide)

Company Wide Exclusions

Review(ing)carbon / fossil fuel exposure for all funds (AFM company wide)

Climate & Net Zero Transition

Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)


Full SRI policy information on company website



The Endeavour process naturally captures a lot of businesses where management strategy and culture reflect the highest operational standards. Amongst such standards, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues rank increasingly prominently and often distinguish these companies as leaders in their fields. The managers of the Endeavour Fund do not negatively screen for ESG investments based on a sense of historical or subjective ethical judgement, rather the starting point for them is that company management set their goals and responsibilities prioritising the interests of the widest stakeholder community and, with pragmatism, should set the standard in their sectors for how they go about it.

Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

The managers of the Endeavour Fund are always focused about the ESG profile of the companies they invest in, by looking for specific ESG material available and also by contacting the companies directly to gather more information about specific topics. In addition to that, the managers also use the Sustainalytics website to enhance ESG data on the companies held (which are also periodically checked) and when considering an investment in a new company.


Last amended: 09/04/24 10:49

Important information

This report is for information purposes only and is intended to complement existing services used by UK based financial advisers only. sriServices is not authorised to give investment advice. The information on this site does not in any way constitute advice, recommendation or endorsement of any product or service. Investment decisions should not be based on this information alone. sriServices cannot be held in any way responsible for decisions made or advice offered as a result of using this site.

Whilst we take care to ensure information is as accurate as possible at time of publication we recommend you/financial advisers confirm specific fund details with fund providers. Please see for additional information and for our contact details.

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