Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
Aegon AM Ethical Equity (BLK) Pn Ethical Pension UK Equity 28/03/02


The fund’s investment objective is to provide a combination of income and capital growth over a seven-year period.

Fund Size: £5.45m

As at: 30/09/22

ISIN: GB0031476921


Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Overview

This Pension product is linked to the "Aegon Ethical Equity"  fund. The following information refers to the primary (OIEC) fund.


The fund offers a portfolio of UK stocks that implements strict ethical exclusionary criteria to avoid companies engaged in unethical activities. It also integrates ESG analysis into fundamental stock picking. Through these elements, it delivers strong ESG-outcomes for clients, as measured by metrics such as carbon statistics and SDG alignment. 

We have been a recognized leader in responsible investing for over 30 years having launched this fund in 1989.

Commitment - We manage £107 billion in dedicated responsible investment strategies (as at 31 December 2022).

ESG integration – We believe in the alpha potential of ESG factors and we identify and understand the key ESG risk and opportunities in stocks.

Active ownership – We have a robust active ownership programme that includes exercising shareholder voting rights and company engagement.

Independent endorsement – Numerous organisations provide independent assessments of our activities, including an A+ rating from UNPRI and UK Stewardship Code Signatory.

Primary fund last amended: 09/06/23 06:57

Information received directly from Fund Manager

Please select what you would like to read:
  • Fund Filters


    Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries

    Favours cleaner, greener companies

    Sustainability focus

    Encourage more sustainable practices through stewardship

    Nature & Biodiversity

    Unsustainable / illegal deforestation exclusion policy

    Avoids genetically modified seeds/crop production

    Genetic engineering exclusion

    Climate Change & Energy

    Nuclear exclusion policy

    Coal, oil & / or gas majors excluded

    Invests in clean energy / renewables

    Fracking and tar sands excluded

    Arctic drilling exclusion

    Fossil fuel reserves exclusion

    Fossil fuel exploration exclusion - direct involvement

    Targeted Positive Investments

    Invests >25% of fund in environmental/social solutions companies

    Human Rights

    Child labour exclusion

    Oppressive regimes (not free or democratic) exclusion policy

    Modern slavery exclusion policy

    Ethical Values Led Exclusions

    Ethical policies

    Animal welfare policy

    Animal testing exclusion policy

    Tobacco and related product manufacturers excluded

    Armaments manufacturers avoided

    Alcohol production excluded

    Gambling avoidance policy

    Pornography avoidance policy

    Gilts / government bonds - exclude some

    Civilian firearms production exclusion

    Banking & Financials

    Predatory lending exclusion

    Exclude banks with significant fossil fuel investments

    Governance & Management

    Governance policy

    Avoids companies with poor governance

    Encourage board diversity e.g. gender

    Encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship activity

    Fund Governance

    ESG integration strategy

    Asset Size & Metrics

    Over 50% small / mid cap companies

    Invests in small, mid and large cap companies

    How The Fund Works

    Strictly screened ethical fund

    Positive selection bias

    Negative selection bias

    Focus on ESG risk mitigation

    SRI / ESG / Ethical policies explained on website

    Assets mapped to SDGs

    Impact Methodologies

    Invests in environmental solutions companies

    Invests in social solutions companies

    Invests in sustainability / ESG disruptors

    Labels & Accreditations

    RSMR rated (OEIC funds only)

    Intended Clients & Product Options

    Faith friendly

    Intended for investors interested in sustainability

    Intended for vegetarians and / or vegans

    Available via an ISA (OEIC only)

    Intended for clients who want to have a positive impact

    Fund management company information

    About The Business

    ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / stewardship policy or strategy (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership policy for non SRI funds (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / ESG a key differentiator (AFM company wide)

    In-house diversity improvement programme (AFM company wide)

    Senior management KPIs include environmental goals (AFM company wide)

    Invests in newly listed companies (AFM company wide)

    Invests in new sustainability linked bond issuances (AFM company wide)


    In-house responsible ownership / voting expertise

    Employ specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability researchers

    Use specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability research companies

    ESG specialists on all investment desks (AFM company wide)

    Collaborations & Affiliations

    PRI signatory

    UKSIF member

    Climate Action 100+ or IIGCC member

    Fund EcoMarket partner

    Investment Association (IA) member


    UK Stewardship Code signatory (AFM company wide)

    Engagement Approach

    Regularly lead collaborative ESG initiatives (AFM company wide)

    Engaging on climate change issues

    Engaging with fossil fuel companies on climate change

    Engaging to reduce plastics pollution / waste

    Engaging to encourage responsible mining practices

    Engaging on biodiversity / nature issues

    Engaging to encourage a Just Transition

    Engaging on human rights issues

    Engaging on labour / employment issues

    Engaging on diversity, equality and / or inclusion issues

    Engaging on governance issues

    Engaging on responsible supply chain issues

    Climate & Net Zero Transition

    Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)

    Net Zero commitment (AFM company wide)

    Working towards a ‘Net Zero’ commitment (AFM company wide)

    Carbon offsetting - offset carbon as part of our net zero plan (AFM company wide)

    In-house carbon / GHG reduction policy (AFM company wide)

    Net Zero - have set a Net Zero target date (AFM company wide)


    Full SRI policy information on company website

    Full SRI policy information available on request

  • Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

    We apply a range of client-led exclusions at the start of our investment process which exclude companies undertaking certain unethical activities from the fund’s investment universe. The exclusions are informed by our conversations with clients to understand their concerns and by 30+ years of experience managing ethical funds.

    We aim for transparency in our screening process and publish the exclusion criteria we use. This means it is easy for clients to understand the types of companies we can and cannot invest in. Our underlying philosophy is to avoid companies that cause significant negative effects in society or the environment. We seek client feedback on the suitability of the criteria every 2 years to ensure they remain relevant to our clients and will adjust if necessary.


    Fund Exclusions

    We use both external screening databases and in-house research to ensure the companies in our ethical universe are suitable for investment and comply with the fund’s screening criteria. Importantly, this is not a static concept, we constantly review the fund’s holdings to ensure we are aware of any new developments in their business or new information that might change their eligibility. To demonstrate the robustness, a number of holdings have been sold from the portfolio over the past year after new information came to light, resulting in them no longer passing the screens. In each case, the RI team engaged with the company to ensure their understanding of the new information was accurate and, following careful consideration of the information, the portfolio manager was informed that the stock no longer passed the screen and had to be sold as soon as reasonably practicable. The specific exclusions applied by the fund are:

    Animal welfare

    • Provide animal testing services or manufacture or sell animal-tested cosmetics, household products or pharmaceuticals.
    • Have any involvement in intensive farming.
    • Operate abattoirs or slaughterhouse facilities.
    • Are producers or retailers of meat, poultry, fish or dairy products or slaughterhouse by-products.


    • Manufacture armaments, nuclear weapons or associated products.

    Nuclear power

    • Provide critical services to, or own or operate, nuclear facilities


    • Are involved in activities which are commonly held to be environmentally unsound – specifically manufacturers of PVC, ozone depleting chemicals and hazardous pesticides.
    • Are in breach internationally recognised conventions on biodiversity and companies in energy intensive industries which are not tackling the issue of climate change.

    Political donations

    •  Have made political donations of more than 1% or revenues in the past 12 months.

    Genetic engineering

    • Have patented genes


    • Have investments in betting shops, casinos or amusement arcades accounting for more than 10% of their total business.


    • Derive more than 10% of their total business through involvement in brewing, distillation or sale of alcoholic drinks


    • Derive more than 10% of their business from the growing, processing or sale of tobacco products.


    • Provide adult entertainment services


    • Are corporate or international banks with exposure to large corporate or Third World debt.

    Oppressive regimes

    • Operations in countries with poor human rights records, and which have no established management policies on human rights issues.


    Ethical Screening Process

    Our ethical screening analysis has three stages:

    •  In order to screen based on these criteria, we use an independent ESG research platform, Vigeo-EIRIS Datalab. This process involves inputting our potential investible universe (FTSE All-Share index) from which we will eliminate most companies that we believe are inappropriate for our ethical vehicles, based on the criteria provided above. The excluded sectors are specified in the section above. Sectors that are excluded include pharmaceuticals, tobacco, oil & gas exploration, and food retailers.
    • Although our screening criteria are clear and explicit, certain ethical issues are not black or white. With over 30 years’ experience in managing ethical investments, we can consider these issues appropriately when they arise. Our pragmatic approach to screening means that we apply an additional in-house screen. This allows us to screen on issues not adequately captured by the Vigeo-EIRIS platform or that are particularly recent (e.g., mergers/acquisitions between an acceptable and unacceptable business will often result in the combined entity being unacceptable for investment).
    • Finally, we ensure that every stock left in the investible universe adheres to our underlying ethical philosophy, to avoid companies that cause significant negative effects in society or the environment. For example, a payday lender may pass the Vigeo-EIRIS screen, and our in-house screen based on its business conduct, however it does not fit into the ethos of our ethical investments.

    Our experienced responsible investment team is responsible for the ethical screening undertaken for this fund, freeing our portfolio managers to focus on security selection and portfolio construction. Once the ethical universe has been derived, the investment team conducts detailed bottom-up analysis on stocks considered for the portfolio. This analysis includes an assessment of ESG factors, using our common research framework. The process involves (i) identifying the most material ESG factors for a company, (ii) assessing the company’s performance on those factors and (iii) assessing the change over time.


  • Process

    Our investment process provides an effective and disciplined approach to idea generation, analysis, decision making, portfolio construction and review. The process focuses on identifying profitable investment ideas and provides a forum for constructive engagement across the team.


    Idea generation

    Our standard investible universe is the FTSE All-Share Index which we monitor through quantitative screening. We may invest out-with this universe to include stocks in several small cap and AIM-listed names.

    Our internal research generates most investment ideas, and we are agnostic to where an idea comes from. The portfolio manager will utilise expertise and knowledge from across the equity team, including those members who cover other geographical areas.

    Our monthly global strategy investment policy meeting, and UK strategy meetings provide a forum for idea generation from a top-down perspective in the UK equities market, presenting different considerations such as the economic backdrop, sector and style themes.

    Company meetings are also a fundamental part of our process to build a deep understanding of businesses. We regularly engage directly with the companies we consider for investment. The information stream generated from these internal and external sources is shared dynamically within the team on a timely basis.

    A key trigger to investment ideas is change -- change in the economic environment, a leadership shuffle or a reorganization or business model adjustment. We believe change can have a strong influence on stock prices and correctly evaluating its impact gives the investor a strong advantage.



    We use a common language and framework to analyse the most promising companies, Aegon AM’s Fundamentals, Valuations and Technicals (FVT).

    To uncover the hidden value in equity markets we focus our research effort on less researched businesses. The key element we look for across the FVT process is indications of underestimated change or persistency.

    FVT encompasses the three aspects of our detailed bottom-up analysis: fundamentals, valuation and technicals. While we dedicate most of our time to fundamental research, the exact proportion of each aspect of the analysis is fluid and varies on a case-by-case basis.

    We use these three aspects to assess all opportunities. This framework ensures research is carried out and documented consistently.


    ESG integration within fundamental research

    Considering ESG from an equity perspective is both about generating alpha and managing risk. All relevant factors, ESG or otherwise, that affect the sustainability of business models are considered in our investment process. The way our ESG process is represented in our portfolios is often by those companies we do not own - that do not pass our rigorous stock selection process - as well as those that do.

    Environmental, social and governance issues are all explicitly considered in our fundamental research as we know that they each have the potential to materially impact both the financial performance and the valuation of our investee companies.

    As fundamental investors, assessment of ESG issues has always been integral to our investment approach. When researching the investment case for a company it is the responsibility of our equity portfolio manager/analysts to form a judgement of ESG issues and leverage the RI team for its expertise.

    We assess ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’ factors both from a risk and opportunity perspective and tailor this to the specific circumstances of a company rather than taking a blanket approach. Company engagement is regularly shared with the RI team, and key ESG issues and questions are agreed and discussed on a per sector basis to reflect a more considered approach and nuances between companies.
    Importantly when evaluating ESG factors in the fundamental analysis process, our portfolio managers/analysts look across the ESG spectrum with support from our RI team to ensure that ESG analysis is comprehensive and robust. Examples of areas we assess include: a company’s range of products and their implications for ESG outcomes, climate change policies and impact, tax transparency, carbon emissions, governance structure, management board structure and compensation, social policies, how a company is positioned for the transition to a greener economy and its resource efficiency.

    To bring this together, we use a common three-stage ESG framework across the equity team to determine the materiality of the identified ESG factors from a risk and return perspective.

    • Stage 1: Involves identifying the most important ESG factors for a given company.
    • Stage 2: When evaluating a given ESG factor, we ultimately want to determine its level of significance relative to other considerations. What is the overall impact upon the investment proposition? Is it a headwind or a tailwind to business performance or valuation?
    • Stage 3: Finally, we look at the direction of travel for a given ESG factor and a company’s overall ESG profile. Is exposure to these ESG risks or opportunities improving or not? We believe this consideration is critical as ESG, similar to other investment considerations cannot be viewed in a static manner and as a firm we value and support ESG improvement over time. Importantly, all information related to research, company meetings notes, and RI team engagement activity is centrally stored to provide easy access to all team members, reflecting our one team culture.

    Engagement with companies is a central part of our research in ESG, as it is in other areas. The RI team's engagement is well-suited to advancing broad themes such as diversity and inclusion which, in aggregate, are key to the functioning of the financial system. The fundamental equity analysts' focus is more specifically upon the strategy of the company to deliver sustainable long-term returns to shareholders. Our analysts will directly engage with management to better understand the risks, opportunities, and materiality of ESG factors, and how companies are adapting their strategies to manage those issues.


    Decision making

    Before a stock is purchased, the analysis is rigorously challenged and debated by all members of the team. All aspects of the investment thesis are considered, testing assumptions, and potentially bringing overlooked aspects to light. Key to reaching a conclusion on each stock is a judgement of the relative importance of each factor in the FVT framework and where we are in the economic cycle.

    Quick decision-making capability in our stock selection process is facilitated by a daily team meeting, a standard stock discussion template and short lines of communication between team members and the dealing desk.

    The stock selection process generates high conviction stock candidates for inclusion in portfolios. While a team-based approach is integral to our process to reach research conclusions, the individual portfolio managers are ultimately responsible and accountable for the decisions taken in relation to their strategies.


    Portfolio construction

    Portfolio managers are directly responsible for the strategies they manage. The portfolio construction process focuses on the performance target of a portfolio, while keeping it within its risk tolerance level. If our analysis demonstrates the opportunity for a superior return from a stock idea, it becomes a conviction recommendation and is considered by the team for inclusion in the portfolio.

    The portfolio managers consider a range of factors, including the level of conviction they have in an idea which considers the perceived risks and business risk. Our risk system allows portfolio managers to test the risk impact of an idea before placing an order in the market, providing an in-depth view of the investment decision before fully committing. They are also supported by our portfolio risk management team which provides them with information and advice on risk analytics, portfolio construction, and stock and factor screens.


    Research and ESG data

    While our own research drives our investment process, we draw upon external research to help form our views. All portfolio managers have access to our primary information systems, Bloomberg, Reuters and FactSet, which provide us with real-time information on stocks, markets, indices, news, derivatives, economics, bonds, and currencies. We also have extensive access to the research departments of numerous major investment banks, stockbrokers, and independent sell-side houses.

    To supplement our own research, we make use of a range of external sources of ESG data, including third-party ESG ratings, company and sector reports and regional reports. Although, as mentioned earlier, these are only used as inputs into the process and our conclusions are always based on detailed internally generated analysis. The information stream generated from these sources is shared across the team on a timely basis. We attach more importance to meeting companies, as this provides valuable insights to company strategy and allows us to identify change factors that will drive the share price.

    We will not take an investment decision or purchase a stock without completing our own investment and sustainability research.

  • Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

    Our dedicated responsible investment team serves as a company-wide, global resource for responsible investment practices. Team members lend their expertise to ESG integration initiatives, contribute to responsible investment product development and lead active ownership and sustainability research activities to promote understanding of ESG issues. Furthermore, the responsible investment specialists serve a central resource for responsible investment education and best practices.

    As of December 31, 2022, the responsible investment (RI) team consists of 19 professionals (1)


    Primary duties of the responsible investment team

    RI solutions and ESG integration

    • • Conduct sustainability research underpinning sustainability-themed solutions
    • Support research analysts with ESG integration
    • Advise on industry best practices
    • Evaluate ESG training opportunities
    • Evaluate external ESG research

    Engagement and voting

    • Engage with issuers on behalf of most of our investment platforms
    • Encourage change in an effort to generate long-term economic value and reduce risk
    • Seek compliance with client ESG requirements and demands
    • Partner with other investors where appropriate

    Advisory and reporting

    • Help develop, enhance and implement clients’ RI policies
    • Monitor ESG/RI policy and regulatory developments
    • Produce RI reports and advise on client ESG reporting
    • Coordinate and complete relevant external assessments of Aegon AM’s RI capabilities


    (1) Personnel may be employed by any of the Aegon AM affiliates.


    One or more Aegon Asset Management affiliates endorse the most common international guidelines and business principles and actively subscribes to them when possible. Examples include:

    • Climate Action 100: In 2017, Aegon AM joined Climate Action 100+. Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative aimed at ensuring the world’s largest greenhouse emitters take necessary action on climate change.
    • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative: In November 2021, Aegon AM became a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. As part of this initiative, we will continue to collaborate with clients on their decarbonization objectives and continue to engage with companies to encourage greenhouse gas measurement, targets and reduction.
    • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI): Aegon AM has been a signatory to the UN-supported PRI since February 2011. As a member, we commit to upholding the six principles for responsible investment and reporting annually on our progress. The PRI, an UN-supported network of investors, works to promote sustainable investment through the incorporation of environmental, social and governance issues into investment and ownership decisions.
    • Regional Corporate Governance Codes – Aegon AM complies with local corporate governance codes and best practices. For example, Aegon AM UK is a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code. Aegon AM is also a member of Eumedion, an independent foundation whose objective it is to maintain and further develop good corporate governance in asset owners and asset managers established in the Netherlands.

    Aegon AM also has extensive experience managing client mandates to adhere to specific international standards and policies. Examples of such standards include UN Global Compact principles, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Further, through our active ownership activities, we engage with companies to encourage adoption of relevant standards and guidelines. Finally, we also comply with applicable local sustainable finance regulations such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in the EU.

    Next to incorporating international guidelines and business principles into our investment processes in alignment with clients’ expectations, Aegon Asset Management interacts with various collaborative investor initiatives. A full overview can be found in the Aegon AM Responsible Investment Report.

  • Fund Holdings

    Voting Record


    For Professional Clients only and not to be distributed to or relied upon by retail clients.

    Past performance does not predict future returns. Outcomes, including the payment of income, are not guaranteed.

    Opinions expressed represent our understanding of the current and historical positions of the market and are not a recommendation or advice.

    This document is accurate at the time of writing and is subject to change without notification.

    All data is sourced to Aegon Asset Management unless otherwise stated. Data attributed to a third party ("3rd Party Data") is proprietary to that third party and/or other suppliers (the "Data Owner") and is used by Aegon Asset Management under licence. 3rd Party Data: (i) may not be copied or distributed; and (ii) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. None of the Data Owner, Aegon Asset Management or any other person connected to, or from whom Aegon Asset Management sources, 3rd Party Data is liable for any losses or liabilities arising from use of 3rd Party Data.

    Aegon Asset Management UK plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

    Aegon Asset Management UK plc is the ACD of Aegon Asset Management UK ICVC, Aegon Asset Management UK Investment Portfolios ICVC and the AFM of Aegon Asset Management UK Unit Trust. UK Funds are registered for distribution in the UK only.


Fund Name DS SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
Aegon AM Ethical Equity (BLK) Pn Ethical Pension UK Equity

Fund Size: £5.45

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £

Total assets under management: £

As at: 30/09/22

Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

We apply a range of client-led exclusions at the start of our investment process which exclude companies undertaking certain unethical activities from the fund’s investment universe. The exclusions are informed by our conversations with clients to understand their concerns and by 30+ years of experience managing ethical funds.

We aim for transparency in our screening process and publish the exclusion criteria we use. This means it is easy for clients to understand the types of companies we can and cannot invest in. Our underlying philosophy is to avoid companies that cause significant negative effects in society or the environment. We seek client feedback on the suitability of the criteria every 2 years to ensure they remain relevant to our clients and will adjust if necessary.


Fund Exclusions

We use both external screening databases and in-house research to ensure the companies in our ethical universe are suitable for investment and comply with the fund’s screening criteria. Importantly, this is not a static concept, we constantly review the fund’s holdings to ensure we are aware of any new developments in their business or new information that might change their eligibility. To demonstrate the robustness, a number of holdings have been sold from the portfolio over the past year after new information came to light, resulting in them no longer passing the screens. In each case, the RI team engaged with the company to ensure their understanding of the new information was accurate and, following careful consideration of the information, the portfolio manager was informed that the stock no longer passed the screen and had to be sold as soon as reasonably practicable. The specific exclusions applied by the fund are:

Animal welfare

  • Provide animal testing services or manufacture or sell animal-tested cosmetics, household products or pharmaceuticals.
  • Have any involvement in intensive farming.
  • Operate abattoirs or slaughterhouse facilities.
  • Are producers or retailers of meat, poultry, fish or dairy products or slaughterhouse by-products.


  • Manufacture armaments, nuclear weapons or associated products.

Nuclear power

  • Provide critical services to, or own or operate, nuclear facilities


  • Are involved in activities which are commonly held to be environmentally unsound – specifically manufacturers of PVC, ozone depleting chemicals and hazardous pesticides.
  • Are in breach internationally recognised conventions on biodiversity and companies in energy intensive industries which are not tackling the issue of climate change.

Political donations

  •  Have made political donations of more than 1% or revenues in the past 12 months.

Genetic engineering

  • Have patented genes


  • Have investments in betting shops, casinos or amusement arcades accounting for more than 10% of their total business.


  • Derive more than 10% of their total business through involvement in brewing, distillation or sale of alcoholic drinks


  • Derive more than 10% of their business from the growing, processing or sale of tobacco products.


  • Provide adult entertainment services


  • Are corporate or international banks with exposure to large corporate or Third World debt.

Oppressive regimes

  • Operations in countries with poor human rights records, and which have no established management policies on human rights issues.


Ethical Screening Process

Our ethical screening analysis has three stages:

  •  In order to screen based on these criteria, we use an independent ESG research platform, Vigeo-EIRIS Datalab. This process involves inputting our potential investible universe (FTSE All-Share index) from which we will eliminate most companies that we believe are inappropriate for our ethical vehicles, based on the criteria provided above. The excluded sectors are specified in the section above. Sectors that are excluded include pharmaceuticals, tobacco, oil & gas exploration, and food retailers.
  • Although our screening criteria are clear and explicit, certain ethical issues are not black or white. With over 30 years’ experience in managing ethical investments, we can consider these issues appropriately when they arise. Our pragmatic approach to screening means that we apply an additional in-house screen. This allows us to screen on issues not adequately captured by the Vigeo-EIRIS platform or that are particularly recent (e.g., mergers/acquisitions between an acceptable and unacceptable business will often result in the combined entity being unacceptable for investment).
  • Finally, we ensure that every stock left in the investible universe adheres to our underlying ethical philosophy, to avoid companies that cause significant negative effects in society or the environment. For example, a payday lender may pass the Vigeo-EIRIS screen, and our in-house screen based on its business conduct, however it does not fit into the ethos of our ethical investments.

Our experienced responsible investment team is responsible for the ethical screening undertaken for this fund, freeing our portfolio managers to focus on security selection and portfolio construction. Once the ethical universe has been derived, the investment team conducts detailed bottom-up analysis on stocks considered for the portfolio. This analysis includes an assessment of ESG factors, using our common research framework. The process involves (i) identifying the most material ESG factors for a company, (ii) assessing the company’s performance on those factors and (iii) assessing the change over time.


Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Process:

Our investment process provides an effective and disciplined approach to idea generation, analysis, decision making, portfolio construction and review. The process focuses on identifying profitable investment ideas and provides a forum for constructive engagement across the team.


Idea generation

Our standard investible universe is the FTSE All-Share Index which we monitor through quantitative screening. We may invest out-with this universe to include stocks in several small cap and AIM-listed names.

Our internal research generates most investment ideas, and we are agnostic to where an idea comes from. The portfolio manager will utilise expertise and knowledge from across the equity team, including those members who cover other geographical areas.

Our monthly global strategy investment policy meeting, and UK strategy meetings provide a forum for idea generation from a top-down perspective in the UK equities market, presenting different considerations such as the economic backdrop, sector and style themes.

Company meetings are also a fundamental part of our process to build a deep understanding of businesses. We regularly engage directly with the companies we consider for investment. The information stream generated from these internal and external sources is shared dynamically within the team on a timely basis.

A key trigger to investment ideas is change -- change in the economic environment, a leadership shuffle or a reorganization or business model adjustment. We believe change can have a strong influence on stock prices and correctly evaluating its impact gives the investor a strong advantage.



We use a common language and framework to analyse the most promising companies, Aegon AM’s Fundamentals, Valuations and Technicals (FVT).

To uncover the hidden value in equity markets we focus our research effort on less researched businesses. The key element we look for across the FVT process is indications of underestimated change or persistency.

FVT encompasses the three aspects of our detailed bottom-up analysis: fundamentals, valuation and technicals. While we dedicate most of our time to fundamental research, the exact proportion of each aspect of the analysis is fluid and varies on a case-by-case basis.

We use these three aspects to assess all opportunities. This framework ensures research is carried out and documented consistently.


ESG integration within fundamental research

Considering ESG from an equity perspective is both about generating alpha and managing risk. All relevant factors, ESG or otherwise, that affect the sustainability of business models are considered in our investment process. The way our ESG process is represented in our portfolios is often by those companies we do not own - that do not pass our rigorous stock selection process - as well as those that do.

Environmental, social and governance issues are all explicitly considered in our fundamental research as we know that they each have the potential to materially impact both the financial performance and the valuation of our investee companies.

As fundamental investors, assessment of ESG issues has always been integral to our investment approach. When researching the investment case for a company it is the responsibility of our equity portfolio manager/analysts to form a judgement of ESG issues and leverage the RI team for its expertise.

We assess ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’ factors both from a risk and opportunity perspective and tailor this to the specific circumstances of a company rather than taking a blanket approach. Company engagement is regularly shared with the RI team, and key ESG issues and questions are agreed and discussed on a per sector basis to reflect a more considered approach and nuances between companies.
Importantly when evaluating ESG factors in the fundamental analysis process, our portfolio managers/analysts look across the ESG spectrum with support from our RI team to ensure that ESG analysis is comprehensive and robust. Examples of areas we assess include: a company’s range of products and their implications for ESG outcomes, climate change policies and impact, tax transparency, carbon emissions, governance structure, management board structure and compensation, social policies, how a company is positioned for the transition to a greener economy and its resource efficiency.

To bring this together, we use a common three-stage ESG framework across the equity team to determine the materiality of the identified ESG factors from a risk and return perspective.

  • Stage 1: Involves identifying the most important ESG factors for a given company.
  • Stage 2: When evaluating a given ESG factor, we ultimately want to determine its level of significance relative to other considerations. What is the overall impact upon the investment proposition? Is it a headwind or a tailwind to business performance or valuation?
  • Stage 3: Finally, we look at the direction of travel for a given ESG factor and a company’s overall ESG profile. Is exposure to these ESG risks or opportunities improving or not? We believe this consideration is critical as ESG, similar to other investment considerations cannot be viewed in a static manner and as a firm we value and support ESG improvement over time. Importantly, all information related to research, company meetings notes, and RI team engagement activity is centrally stored to provide easy access to all team members, reflecting our one team culture.

Engagement with companies is a central part of our research in ESG, as it is in other areas. The RI team's engagement is well-suited to advancing broad themes such as diversity and inclusion which, in aggregate, are key to the functioning of the financial system. The fundamental equity analysts' focus is more specifically upon the strategy of the company to deliver sustainable long-term returns to shareholders. Our analysts will directly engage with management to better understand the risks, opportunities, and materiality of ESG factors, and how companies are adapting their strategies to manage those issues.


Decision making

Before a stock is purchased, the analysis is rigorously challenged and debated by all members of the team. All aspects of the investment thesis are considered, testing assumptions, and potentially bringing overlooked aspects to light. Key to reaching a conclusion on each stock is a judgement of the relative importance of each factor in the FVT framework and where we are in the economic cycle.

Quick decision-making capability in our stock selection process is facilitated by a daily team meeting, a standard stock discussion template and short lines of communication between team members and the dealing desk.

The stock selection process generates high conviction stock candidates for inclusion in portfolios. While a team-based approach is integral to our process to reach research conclusions, the individual portfolio managers are ultimately responsible and accountable for the decisions taken in relation to their strategies.


Portfolio construction

Portfolio managers are directly responsible for the strategies they manage. The portfolio construction process focuses on the performance target of a portfolio, while keeping it within its risk tolerance level. If our analysis demonstrates the opportunity for a superior return from a stock idea, it becomes a conviction recommendation and is considered by the team for inclusion in the portfolio.

The portfolio managers consider a range of factors, including the level of conviction they have in an idea which considers the perceived risks and business risk. Our risk system allows portfolio managers to test the risk impact of an idea before placing an order in the market, providing an in-depth view of the investment decision before fully committing. They are also supported by our portfolio risk management team which provides them with information and advice on risk analytics, portfolio construction, and stock and factor screens.


Research and ESG data

While our own research drives our investment process, we draw upon external research to help form our views. All portfolio managers have access to our primary information systems, Bloomberg, Reuters and FactSet, which provide us with real-time information on stocks, markets, indices, news, derivatives, economics, bonds, and currencies. We also have extensive access to the research departments of numerous major investment banks, stockbrokers, and independent sell-side houses.

To supplement our own research, we make use of a range of external sources of ESG data, including third-party ESG ratings, company and sector reports and regional reports. Although, as mentioned earlier, these are only used as inputs into the process and our conclusions are always based on detailed internally generated analysis. The information stream generated from these sources is shared across the team on a timely basis. We attach more importance to meeting companies, as this provides valuable insights to company strategy and allows us to identify change factors that will drive the share price.

We will not take an investment decision or purchase a stock without completing our own investment and sustainability research.

Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

Our dedicated responsible investment team serves as a company-wide, global resource for responsible investment practices. Team members lend their expertise to ESG integration initiatives, contribute to responsible investment product development and lead active ownership and sustainability research activities to promote understanding of ESG issues. Furthermore, the responsible investment specialists serve a central resource for responsible investment education and best practices.

As of December 31, 2022, the responsible investment (RI) team consists of 19 professionals (1)


Primary duties of the responsible investment team

RI solutions and ESG integration

  • • Conduct sustainability research underpinning sustainability-themed solutions
  • Support research analysts with ESG integration
  • Advise on industry best practices
  • Evaluate ESG training opportunities
  • Evaluate external ESG research

Engagement and voting

  • Engage with issuers on behalf of most of our investment platforms
  • Encourage change in an effort to generate long-term economic value and reduce risk
  • Seek compliance with client ESG requirements and demands
  • Partner with other investors where appropriate

Advisory and reporting

  • Help develop, enhance and implement clients’ RI policies
  • Monitor ESG/RI policy and regulatory developments
  • Produce RI reports and advise on client ESG reporting
  • Coordinate and complete relevant external assessments of Aegon AM’s RI capabilities


(1) Personnel may be employed by any of the Aegon AM affiliates.


One or more Aegon Asset Management affiliates endorse the most common international guidelines and business principles and actively subscribes to them when possible. Examples include:

  • Climate Action 100: In 2017, Aegon AM joined Climate Action 100+. Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative aimed at ensuring the world’s largest greenhouse emitters take necessary action on climate change.
  • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative: In November 2021, Aegon AM became a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. As part of this initiative, we will continue to collaborate with clients on their decarbonization objectives and continue to engage with companies to encourage greenhouse gas measurement, targets and reduction.
  • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI): Aegon AM has been a signatory to the UN-supported PRI since February 2011. As a member, we commit to upholding the six principles for responsible investment and reporting annually on our progress. The PRI, an UN-supported network of investors, works to promote sustainable investment through the incorporation of environmental, social and governance issues into investment and ownership decisions.
  • Regional Corporate Governance Codes – Aegon AM complies with local corporate governance codes and best practices. For example, Aegon AM UK is a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code. Aegon AM is also a member of Eumedion, an independent foundation whose objective it is to maintain and further develop good corporate governance in asset owners and asset managers established in the Netherlands.

Aegon AM also has extensive experience managing client mandates to adhere to specific international standards and policies. Examples of such standards include UN Global Compact principles, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Further, through our active ownership activities, we engage with companies to encourage adoption of relevant standards and guidelines. Finally, we also comply with applicable local sustainable finance regulations such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in the EU.

Next to incorporating international guidelines and business principles into our investment processes in alignment with clients’ expectations, Aegon Asset Management interacts with various collaborative investor initiatives. A full overview can be found in the Aegon AM Responsible Investment Report.


