Event Feedback

SRI Services & Partners Annual Good Money Week Event October 2023

  • LOVED the personal touch of Julia which was so apparent and is so motivating. Julia is passionate about this: it is not ‘just’ her business.  It matters and the afternoon was therefore imaginative, and the event differentiated. 
  • All sessions were very good – Concept of the theory of change throughout was very thought provoking
  • Really Loved the passion and drive!
  • Keep up the great work – always a thoughtful event.
  • I really applaud the family engagement – so important to engage the next gen and as a mother myself, I delighted in the obvious pride her children hold for Julia and her work. Thank you and well done!
  • Lots of interesting discussion of real world issues
  • Fantastic, informative and essential.                       

Attendance Statistics:

  • What was your overall impression of the event?
    • 61% – Excellent
    • 37% – Very Good
  • How useful/informative did you find the event?
    • 47% – Excellent
    • 50% – Very good

SRI Services & Partners Annual Good Money Week Event October 2022

  • Julia was so good at getting people to answer questions without grand standing
  • More events like the one you have just run would be useful!
  • Julia’s use of language & her questions always deep and good quality
  • It is good to hear the views of different fund managers
  • The quality of the speakers was great, they were engaging and informative.
  • Many congratulations on a great event – keep up the good work!

Attendance Stats:                                                                                                    

  • What was your overall impression of the event?
    • 47% – Excellent
    • 47% – Very Good
  • How useful did you find the event?
    • 51% – Excellent
    • 35% – Very Good

Feedback from  January 2021 CISI ‘Getting started in Sustainable Investment’ presentation:

  • I thought Julia’s overview was excellent. What an amazing database to be able to access. The fact that it isn’t subscription based is a major plus for advisers starting out like myself. I thought this was very engaging and appreciated the way it offered a way to engage with clients meaningfully with the advisor as the facilitator. I will use the ‘deep dive to paddle’ spectrum and lipstick on a pig analogy!
  • Fascinating in-depth tour of the world of sustainable and responsible investing by an accomplished practitioner.
  • Brilliant webinar full of useful information and guidance. I’ll certainly be downloading the Fund EcoMarket app.
  • I thought Julia showed a wealth of knowledge on her subject. It is a subject that I will raise with my fellow directors and I believe we will be looking to use her website within our process.
  • Very focused, very clear explanations, slides not too busy.  Highlighting the existence of the Fund EcoMarket app was great.