Fund Name SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
Montanaro Better World Fund Sustainability Select SICAV/Offshore* Global Equity 10/04/18


The Fund will seek to invest in high quality companies whose products, services or behaviour are deemed to make a positive impact on society and which emphasise sound environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. In particular, the Investment Manager will seek to identify profitable and well managed businesses operating in markets that offer attractive structural growth opportunities. The Fund may not invest in companies with material revenue exposure to the manufacturing or supply of weapons, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment, alcohol, exploration and production oil & coal companies, or any other areas deemed not to meet the Investment Manager’s ethical standards.

Fund Size: £552.00m

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £3500.00m

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £3500.00m

Total assets under management: £3500.00m

As at: 28/02/23



Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Overview

The Montanaro Better World Fund invests in quoted global-developed Small & Mid Cap companies that make a positive impact in the world.


Companies within the Fund must have at least 50% of revenue aligned to six impact themes which support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Our impact themes are: Environmental Protection; Green Economy; Healthcare; Innovative Technology; Nutrition; and Well-being.   


These themes help us to identify companies whose products or services can help to solve some of the major problems facing the world. We also analyse the wider operational footprint of companies which allows us to understand a company’s “net” impact.


To select “Better World” companies, we remain true to our heritage by only investing in high quality businesses. In our view, a company cannot make a long-term positive impact if it does not have a strong financial base and good management.

Primary fund last amended: 03/01/24 01:37

Information received directly from Fund Manager

Please select what you would like to read:
  • Fund Filters


    Environmental policy

    Sustainability policy

    Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries

    Resource efficiency policy or theme

    Sustainable transport policy or theme

    Sustainability theme or focus

    Environmental damage and pollution policy

    Favours cleaner, greener companies

    UN Global Compact linked exclusion policy

    Sustainability focus

    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) focus

    Report against sustainability objectives

    Encourage more sustainable practices through stewardship

    Nature & Biodiversity

    Nature / biodiversity protection policy

    Water stewardship policy

    Climate Change & Energy

    Coal, oil & / or gas majors excluded

    Climate change / greenhouse gas emissions policy

    Fracking and tar sands excluded

    Clean / renewable energy theme or focus

    Arctic drilling exclusion

    Fossil fuel reserves exclusion

    Energy efficiency theme

    Require net zero action plan from all/most companies

    Paris aligned fund strategy

    Encourage transition to low carbon through stewardship activity

    Fossil fuel exploration exclusion - direct involvement

    Targeted Positive Investments

    EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings 5-25% of fund assets

    Human Rights

    Human rights policy

    Child labour exclusion

    Responsible supply chain policy or theme

    Modern slavery exclusion policy

    Social / Employment

    Social policy

    Diversity, equality & inclusion Policy (fund level)

    Labour standards policy

    Favours companies with strong social policies

    Mining exclusion

    Meeting Peoples' Basic Needs

    Water / sanitation policy or theme

    Demographic / ageing population theme

    Healthcare / medical theme

    Ethical Values Led Exclusions

    Ethical policies

    Animal welfare policy

    Animal testing exclusion policy

    Tobacco and related product manufacturers excluded

    Armaments manufacturers avoided

    Alcohol production excluded

    Gambling avoidance policy

    Pornography avoidance policy

    Civilian firearms production exclusion

    Banking & Financials

    Predatory lending exclusion

    Governance & Management

    Governance policy

    Anti-bribery and corruption policy

    Avoids companies with poor governance

    Encourage board diversity e.g. gender

    UN sanctions exclusion

    Encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship activity

    Fund Governance

    ESG integration strategy

    ESG factors included in Assessment of Value (AoV) report

    Asset Size & Metrics

    Over 50% small / mid cap companies

    How The Fund Works

    Strictly screened ethical fund

    Positive selection bias

    Negative selection bias

    Combines norms based exclusions with other SRI criteria

    Combines ESG strategy with other SRI criteria

    Focus on ESG risk mitigation

    SRI / ESG / Ethical policies explained on website

    Assets mapped to SDGs

    All assets (except cash) meet published sustain'y criteria

    Impact Methodologies

    Aims to generate positive impacts (or 'outcomes')

    Measures positive impacts

    Positive environmental impact theme

    Positive social impact theme

    Invests in environmental solutions companies

    Invests in social solutions companies

    Invests in sustainability / ESG disruptors

    Described as an ‘impact investment fund’

    Aim to deliver positive impacts through engagement

    Over 50% in assets providing environmental or social ‘solutions’

    Labels & Accreditations

    RSMR rated (OEIC funds only)

    SFDR Article 9 fund / product (EU)

    Intended Clients & Product Options

    Faith friendly

    Intended for investors interested in sustainability

    Available via an ISA (OEIC only)

    Intended for clients who want to have a positive impact

    Fund management company information

    About The Business

    ESG / SRI engagement (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / stewardship policy or strategy (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership policy for non SRI funds (AFM company wide)

    Responsible ownership / ESG a key differentiator (AFM company wide)

    Vote all* shares at AGMs / EGMs (AFM company wide)

    Diversity, equality & inclusion engagement policy (AFM company wide)

    Specialist positive impact fund management company

    Boutique / specialist fund management company

    Integrates ESG factors into all / most fund research

    Offer structured intermediary training on sustainable investment

    Offer unstructured intermediary sustainable investment training


    In-house responsible ownership / voting expertise

    Employ specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability researchers

    Use specialist ESG / SRI / sustainability research companies

    ESG specialists on all investment desks (AFM company wide)

    Collaborations & Affiliations

    PRI signatory

    UKSIF member

    UN Net Zero Asset Owners / Managers Alliance member

    GFANZ member (AFM company wide)


    UK Stewardship Code signatory (AFM company wide)

    B Corp certified (AFM company wide)

    Engagement Approach

    Regularly lead collaborative ESG initiatives (AFM company wide)

    Encourage responsible corporate taxation (AFM company wide)

    Engaging on climate change issues

    Engaging to reduce plastics pollution / waste

    Engaging on biodiversity / nature issues

    Engaging to encourage a Just Transition

    Engaging on human rights issues

    Engaging on labour / employment issues

    Engaging on diversity, equality and / or inclusion issues

    Engaging on governance issues

    Engaging on responsible supply chain issues

    Company Wide Exclusions

    Review(ing)carbon / fossil fuel exposure for all funds (AFM company wide)

    Coal exclusion policy (group wide coal mining exclusion policy)

    Controversial weapons avoidance policy (AFM company wide)

    Tobacco avoidance policy (AFM company wide)

    Fossil fuel exclusion policy (AFM company wide)

    Do not invest in companies with fossil fuel reserves

    Climate & Net Zero Transition

    Encourage carbon / greenhouse gas reduction (AFM company wide)

    Net Zero commitment (AFM company wide)

    Carbon transition plan published (AFM company wide)

    ‘Forward Looking Climate Metrics’ published / ITR (AFM company wide)

    Carbon offsetting - offset carbon as part of our net zero plan (AFM company wide)

    In-house carbon / GHG reduction policy (AFM company wide)

    Publish 'CEO owned' Climate Risk policy (AFM company wide)

    Net Zero - have set a Net Zero target date (AFM company wide)

    Voting policy includes net zero targets (AFM company wide)


    Publish full voting record (AFM company wide)

    Publish responsible ownership / stewardship report (AFM company wide)

    Full SRI policy information on company website

    Full SRI policy information available on request

    Paris Alignment plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

    Net Zero transition plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

    Sustainability transition plan publicly available (AFM company wide)

  • Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

    Companies within the Fund must have at least 50% of revenue aligned to six impact themes which support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Our impact themes are: Environmental Protection; Green Economy; Healthcare; Innovative Technology; Nutrition; and Well-being.   


    Alongside ensuring that companies meet our requirements to contribute to our six impact themes, we also assess the wider “ESG” footprint of our companies via our bespoke Ethical and ESG Checklists:


    Ethics Checklist:  We do not invest in: exploration & production fossil fuel companies; tobacco producers & distributors; alcohol producers & distributors; weapons manufacturers; gambling companies; adult entertainment; high interest rate lending companies; animal testing (ex-healthcare related companies).  We exclude from investment any company with 10% or more revenue exposure to these restricted business areas.  A company will either “pass” or “fail” the Ethics Checklist.   


    Environmental Checklist: We use MSCI data to measure the environmental intensity of our companies across carbon, water and waste.  We also assess their carbon transition risk (how exposed a company is to stranded assets).  We assess the environmental management culture, supply chain management and assess to what extent a company’s products/services are a positive influence on the environment.  Finally, we consider the quality of a company’s environmental reporting and if they have a Net Zero Carbon target or other environmental targets in place.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their environmental profile.    


    Social Checklist: Our Social Checklist is designed in line with the UN Global Compact. We analyse data relating to a company’s workforce including: staff turnover; % of women in the workforce; % of women in management; and gender pay gap.  We also assess a company’s tax profile as well as human rights, labour practices, HR management/training, and the social value add of their products/services.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their social profile.          


    Corporate Governance Checklist: This is broken down into three sections: Remuneration of the Executive Board; Capital Allocation Record; and Board Independence & Insider Ownership (which includes the % of women on the Board); and Other Corporate Governance Issues.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their governance profile.


    Scores for each ESG area weighted and then aggregated to produce a final ESG score out of 10.  The conclusions are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings.  The Sustainability Committee monitors the ESG scores of companies on our Approved List.  Companies deemed “outliers” are candidates for engagement.



  • Process

    There are three stages to the investment process for the Better World Fund. Analysts conduct all the work themselves.


    Stage 1: Impact assessment

    The first step in our investment process is the assessment of positive impact, which is done via the completion of an “Impact Report” by the Analyst responsible for covering the stock (Analysts are organised on a sector basis).  This stage focuses solely on the products and services of the company and the potential for positive impact in support of the UN SDGs and out impact themes.  Our Sustainability Committee votes on whether a stock passes or fails for impact.  The following key impact criteria are required fields in our Impact Report:

    • Address a key sustainability challenge;
    • Have >50% revenue thematically aligned to our proprietary impact themes (“materiality”);
    • Support at least one UN SDG Goal;
    • Assess management intentionality;
    • Assess product/service additionality;
    • Assess product/service affordable.


    Since launch, the Sustainability Committee has failed 20% of the ideas it has been asked to consider.  It is a tough hurdle.     If the Sustainability Committee pass the stock for impact, the investment team will undertake further analysis. 


    Stage 2: Quality assessment

    Once a company has passed Stage 1, we assess the Quality of a company, considering the financial profile, ESG and management.  Analysts complete our Ethical & ESG Checklists.  ESG forms an intrinsic part of how we define the Quality of a company.  Our Ethical & ESG Checklists consider the following areas:


    Ethical Policy: 

    On ethical grounds, we do not invest in the following areas of the economy.  We exclude from investment any company which derives 10% or more revenue from these areas: 

    • Exploration & production fossil fuels
    • Tobacco producers & distributors
    • Alcohol producers & distributors
    • Controversial weapons
    • Gambling
    • Pornography
    • High Interest rate lending
    • Animal testing (unless it is required by law for healthcare related companies.)


    Environmental Policy:

    Our Environmental Policy allows us to assess the risks and opportunities that our companies face from an environmental perspective.  We believe that Climate Change is a threat that every business must mitigate and adapt to.  We engage extensively with management teams on environmental matters.  

    We consider specific areas of environmental exposure in our analysis:

    • Environmental intensity: how much carbon, water and waste is produced/consumed by our companies?
    • Stranded asset risk: how exposed are our companies to unanticipated or premature write-downs of assets?
    • Reporting: which companies are failing to report quality environmental data?
    • Net Zero Carbon: which of our companies have taken steps to materially reduce their carbon footprint?


    We use MSCI, Bloomberg and company sourced data to measure the environmental intensity of our companies across carbon, water and waste.  Where available, we record the carbon intensity of companies across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 on the basis of tonnes of carbon used per million US Dollars of sales generated.  We do the same for water and waste.  This allows us to compare the carbon intensity of companies across our Approved List.  


    We also monitor MSCI’s Low Carbon Transition score.  This combines Management assessments for the following issues: Carbon Emission for all companies; Product Carbon Footprint; Financing Environmental Impact; Opportunities in Clean Tech; and Opportunities in Renewable Energy where available. A score is given from 0-10.  Higher scores indicate greater capacity to manage risk.


    In addition to the above, we record MSCI’s Low Carbon Transition score.  Companies with higher Low Carbon Transition score are more aligned with the Low Carbon Transition compared to the companies with lower scores. A score is given from 0-10.


    We also assess environmental management culture (in accordance with UN Global Compact Principles 7-9); supply chain management; and the extent to which a company’s products/services are a positive influence on the environment. We also record whether a company’s operations are certified by a national or global standard (e.g. ISO 14001).


    Finally, we consider the quality of a company’s environmental reporting and if they have a Net Zero Carbon target or other environmental targets in place.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their environmental profile. 


    Social Policy:

    Our Social Policy allows us to analyse specific social factors, leading to more accurate risk analysis of investment opportunities.  We engage with companies on social issues – by doing so, we believe that we can help to encourage management teams to contribute to a more sustainable world, which will ultimately lead to more sustainable investment returns.


    We use MSCI, Bloomberg and company sourced data to measure and record the following:

    • % Employee Turnover
    • % Women in Workforce
    • % Women in Management
    • Gender Pay Gap Breakout
    • Company 5-year tax rate
    • Underlying tax rate
    • Estimated Tax Gap
    • Social tax rating


    Additional areas that we focus on are influenced by the UN Global Compact: Human rights; Bribery & Corruption; Equal Opportunities; Labour Practices; Human resources management; Supply chain management.


    Companies are scored out of 10 for their social profile.       


    Corporate Governance Policy:        

    We wish to align the interests of company management teams with the interests of long-term shareholders.  Ensuring high standards of corporate governance forms an important part of this.  Our logic here is simple: good corporate governance increases the quality of a business; the higher the quality of a business, the greater the sustainability of returns. 


    Our Checklist considers:

    • Remuneration
    • Capital Allocation Track Record
    • Board Independence & Diversity


    Companies are scored out of 10 for their governance profile.         


    Scores for each ESG area weighted and then aggregated to produce a final ESG score out of 10.  The conclusions are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings.  The Sustainability Committee monitors the ESG scores of companies on our Approved List.  Companies deemed “outliers” are candidates for engagement.


    The conclusions of our Quality assessment are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings. 


    Only companies that pass the scrutiny of the Sustainability Committee and the Investment Committee are added to the Impact Approved List and are eligible for inclusion in the Better World Fund.


  • Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

    ESG is fully integrated into the Montanaro Investment Process.  ESG analysis is conducted by our Research Analysts alongside fundamental analysis.  The result is that our investment decisions makers “do” ESG”.  Companies that we consider for investment must pass the criteria set out in the following Ethical and ESG policies.  Each policy has a corresponding checklist which our Analysts complete during the research process.


    Our Investment Team consists of 11 Investment Analysts who conduct ESG and impact analysis on the companies under their coverage; the Head of Sustainable Investment who helps to coordinate our approach to sustainable investing; and an ESG and Impact Specialist who supports the research analysts on certain research and engagement topics. 


    In addition, we have an internal Sustainability Committee who ensures that our approach to ESG and impact remains consistent across the house. 


    We are signatories to a number of industry codes, policies and disclosures:

    • UN PRI (2009)
    • UK Stewardship Code (2010)
    • Carbon Disclosure Project (2015)
    • Montreal Carbon Pledge (2017)
    • TCFD (2018)
    • B Corporation (2019)
    • Net Zero Asset Management Initiative (2021)
    • Tobacco Free Portfolios (2022)
    • Living Wage Accreditation (2022)


  • Dialshifter

    This fund is helping to ‘shift the dial from brown to green’ by…

    Environmental Protection and the Green Economy are two of the six investment themes that support the overarching framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We seek out companies that are contributing to the transition to a low carbon economy and are developing solutions to limit pressure on natural resources.


    Our organisation is helping to support the Paris Climate Agreement and the Race to Net Zero by…

    At COP 25, we joined fellow B Corporations to announce that Montanaro would achieve Net Zero by 2030. We have partnered with Climate Care to offset the impact of our business travel and we work hard to preserve and use our resources efficiently. We conserve electricity, use sustainable suppliers and manage our office waste responsibly. We do this because we expect high ESG standards from the companies in which we invest, and we aim to practice what we preach.


Fund Name DS SRI Style Product Region Asset Type Launch Date
Montanaro Better World Fund Sustainability Select SICAV/Offshore* Global Equity

Fund Size: £552.00

Total screened & themed / SRI assets: £3500.00

Total Responsible Ownership assets: £3500.00

Total assets under management: £3500.00

As at: 28/02/23

Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Policy:

Companies within the Fund must have at least 50% of revenue aligned to six impact themes which support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  Our impact themes are: Environmental Protection; Green Economy; Healthcare; Innovative Technology; Nutrition; and Well-being.   


Alongside ensuring that companies meet our requirements to contribute to our six impact themes, we also assess the wider “ESG” footprint of our companies via our bespoke Ethical and ESG Checklists:


Ethics Checklist:  We do not invest in: exploration & production fossil fuel companies; tobacco producers & distributors; alcohol producers & distributors; weapons manufacturers; gambling companies; adult entertainment; high interest rate lending companies; animal testing (ex-healthcare related companies).  We exclude from investment any company with 10% or more revenue exposure to these restricted business areas.  A company will either “pass” or “fail” the Ethics Checklist.   


Environmental Checklist: We use MSCI data to measure the environmental intensity of our companies across carbon, water and waste.  We also assess their carbon transition risk (how exposed a company is to stranded assets).  We assess the environmental management culture, supply chain management and assess to what extent a company’s products/services are a positive influence on the environment.  Finally, we consider the quality of a company’s environmental reporting and if they have a Net Zero Carbon target or other environmental targets in place.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their environmental profile.    


Social Checklist: Our Social Checklist is designed in line with the UN Global Compact. We analyse data relating to a company’s workforce including: staff turnover; % of women in the workforce; % of women in management; and gender pay gap.  We also assess a company’s tax profile as well as human rights, labour practices, HR management/training, and the social value add of their products/services.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their social profile.          


Corporate Governance Checklist: This is broken down into three sections: Remuneration of the Executive Board; Capital Allocation Record; and Board Independence & Insider Ownership (which includes the % of women on the Board); and Other Corporate Governance Issues.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their governance profile.


Scores for each ESG area weighted and then aggregated to produce a final ESG score out of 10.  The conclusions are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings.  The Sustainability Committee monitors the ESG scores of companies on our Approved List.  Companies deemed “outliers” are candidates for engagement.



Sustainable, Responsible &/or ESG Process:

There are three stages to the investment process for the Better World Fund. Analysts conduct all the work themselves.


Stage 1: Impact assessment

The first step in our investment process is the assessment of positive impact, which is done via the completion of an “Impact Report” by the Analyst responsible for covering the stock (Analysts are organised on a sector basis).  This stage focuses solely on the products and services of the company and the potential for positive impact in support of the UN SDGs and out impact themes.  Our Sustainability Committee votes on whether a stock passes or fails for impact.  The following key impact criteria are required fields in our Impact Report:

  • Address a key sustainability challenge;
  • Have >50% revenue thematically aligned to our proprietary impact themes (“materiality”);
  • Support at least one UN SDG Goal;
  • Assess management intentionality;
  • Assess product/service additionality;
  • Assess product/service affordable.


Since launch, the Sustainability Committee has failed 20% of the ideas it has been asked to consider.  It is a tough hurdle.     If the Sustainability Committee pass the stock for impact, the investment team will undertake further analysis. 


Stage 2: Quality assessment

Once a company has passed Stage 1, we assess the Quality of a company, considering the financial profile, ESG and management.  Analysts complete our Ethical & ESG Checklists.  ESG forms an intrinsic part of how we define the Quality of a company.  Our Ethical & ESG Checklists consider the following areas:


Ethical Policy: 

On ethical grounds, we do not invest in the following areas of the economy.  We exclude from investment any company which derives 10% or more revenue from these areas: 

  • Exploration & production fossil fuels
  • Tobacco producers & distributors
  • Alcohol producers & distributors
  • Controversial weapons
  • Gambling
  • Pornography
  • High Interest rate lending
  • Animal testing (unless it is required by law for healthcare related companies.)


Environmental Policy:

Our Environmental Policy allows us to assess the risks and opportunities that our companies face from an environmental perspective.  We believe that Climate Change is a threat that every business must mitigate and adapt to.  We engage extensively with management teams on environmental matters.  

We consider specific areas of environmental exposure in our analysis:

  • Environmental intensity: how much carbon, water and waste is produced/consumed by our companies?
  • Stranded asset risk: how exposed are our companies to unanticipated or premature write-downs of assets?
  • Reporting: which companies are failing to report quality environmental data?
  • Net Zero Carbon: which of our companies have taken steps to materially reduce their carbon footprint?


We use MSCI, Bloomberg and company sourced data to measure the environmental intensity of our companies across carbon, water and waste.  Where available, we record the carbon intensity of companies across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 on the basis of tonnes of carbon used per million US Dollars of sales generated.  We do the same for water and waste.  This allows us to compare the carbon intensity of companies across our Approved List.  


We also monitor MSCI’s Low Carbon Transition score.  This combines Management assessments for the following issues: Carbon Emission for all companies; Product Carbon Footprint; Financing Environmental Impact; Opportunities in Clean Tech; and Opportunities in Renewable Energy where available. A score is given from 0-10.  Higher scores indicate greater capacity to manage risk.


In addition to the above, we record MSCI’s Low Carbon Transition score.  Companies with higher Low Carbon Transition score are more aligned with the Low Carbon Transition compared to the companies with lower scores. A score is given from 0-10.


We also assess environmental management culture (in accordance with UN Global Compact Principles 7-9); supply chain management; and the extent to which a company’s products/services are a positive influence on the environment. We also record whether a company’s operations are certified by a national or global standard (e.g. ISO 14001).


Finally, we consider the quality of a company’s environmental reporting and if they have a Net Zero Carbon target or other environmental targets in place.  Companies are scored out of 10 for their environmental profile. 


Social Policy:

Our Social Policy allows us to analyse specific social factors, leading to more accurate risk analysis of investment opportunities.  We engage with companies on social issues – by doing so, we believe that we can help to encourage management teams to contribute to a more sustainable world, which will ultimately lead to more sustainable investment returns.


We use MSCI, Bloomberg and company sourced data to measure and record the following:

  • % Employee Turnover
  • % Women in Workforce
  • % Women in Management
  • Gender Pay Gap Breakout
  • Company 5-year tax rate
  • Underlying tax rate
  • Estimated Tax Gap
  • Social tax rating


Additional areas that we focus on are influenced by the UN Global Compact: Human rights; Bribery & Corruption; Equal Opportunities; Labour Practices; Human resources management; Supply chain management.


Companies are scored out of 10 for their social profile.       


Corporate Governance Policy:        

We wish to align the interests of company management teams with the interests of long-term shareholders.  Ensuring high standards of corporate governance forms an important part of this.  Our logic here is simple: good corporate governance increases the quality of a business; the higher the quality of a business, the greater the sustainability of returns. 


Our Checklist considers:

  • Remuneration
  • Capital Allocation Track Record
  • Board Independence & Diversity


Companies are scored out of 10 for their governance profile.         


Scores for each ESG area weighted and then aggregated to produce a final ESG score out of 10.  The conclusions are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings.  The Sustainability Committee monitors the ESG scores of companies on our Approved List.  Companies deemed “outliers” are candidates for engagement.


The conclusions of our Quality assessment are presented to the Investment Committee who discuss any issues with the Analyst.  The Committee will decide to continue with, or discard, a new idea based on the Analyst’s findings. 


Only companies that pass the scrutiny of the Sustainability Committee and the Investment Committee are added to the Impact Approved List and are eligible for inclusion in the Better World Fund.


Resources, Affiliations & Corporate Strategies

ESG is fully integrated into the Montanaro Investment Process.  ESG analysis is conducted by our Research Analysts alongside fundamental analysis.  The result is that our investment decisions makers “do” ESG”.  Companies that we consider for investment must pass the criteria set out in the following Ethical and ESG policies.  Each policy has a corresponding checklist which our Analysts complete during the research process.


Our Investment Team consists of 11 Investment Analysts who conduct ESG and impact analysis on the companies under their coverage; the Head of Sustainable Investment who helps to coordinate our approach to sustainable investing; and an ESG and Impact Specialist who supports the research analysts on certain research and engagement topics. 


In addition, we have an internal Sustainability Committee who ensures that our approach to ESG and impact remains consistent across the house. 


We are signatories to a number of industry codes, policies and disclosures:

  • UN PRI (2009)
  • UK Stewardship Code (2010)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (2015)
  • Montreal Carbon Pledge (2017)
  • TCFD (2018)
  • B Corporation (2019)
  • Net Zero Asset Management Initiative (2021)
  • Tobacco Free Portfolios (2022)
  • Living Wage Accreditation (2022)



