Fund EcoMarket filter option overview

The purpose of our tool is to help users understand funds that are promoted as ESG, ethical, responsible or sustainable investments.  We do this via a combination of filters, text fields and link that make funds searchable and comparable – whilst also supplying in depth additional  information.

All of our information is supplied directly by fund managers.

We ask all fund managers to supply information as we want the site to be as comprehensive as possible. 

Where no information is supplied we copy text from the fund mananger’s website and display the source whenever possible.

Fund EcoMarket has the following search and filter options:

  • Fund name / fund manager name search
  • SRI Styles Classifications  – our proprietary labelling system
  • Policies, Issues & Themes – ‘what’ the fund considers
  • Aims and Approaches – ‘how’ the fund deals with the issues it considers
  • Responsible Ownership – fund management company wide resources and commitments
  • Product Type
  • Asset Type
  • Geographic Region

Once you have generated a list of funds you can use the ‘sort by’ function to reorder your findings (see top right of fund list).

What information does Fund EcoMarket display?

We aim to list all regulated, retail, onshore sustainable, responsible, ESG and ethical funds on Fund EcoMarket –  as well as a number of invited additional entries (mostly SICAVs and DFMs). 

We offer over 180 filter options to help explain fund strategies.  ‘Policies, Issues & Themes’, ‘Aims & Approaches’ and ‘Responsible Ownership’ filters.  The database will only list funds that meet all of the selected filter options from these fields. 

Text and Links to fund manager websites support more detailed research.  This is displayed as provided by fund managers.  We do not amend their text (other than for formatting purposes).

We do not charge fund managers for adding their data to the site, however partner funds are displayed first.

The website includes hover over explanatory text for all of the filter fields.  Due to design limitations hover over text is not available on the Fund EcoMarket app.