Environmental Themed & Clean Technology SRI Styles merged

Posted on: January 10th, 2016

Environmental Themed & Clean Technology SRI Styles merged

Environmental Themed & Clean Technology SRI Styles merged

Following recent industry changes and discussions with fund managers in this area we have today deleted the ‘Clean Technology’ SRI Style on Fund EcoMarket and brought the remaining funds in to the ‘Environmentally Themed‘ SRI Style.

To explain:

  • These fund Styles have always had significant areas of crossover as both have typically focuses on environmental challenges and solutions as part of their stock selection processes.
  • This update makes it easier for clients with a strong interest in environmental issues to focus on such funds under a single heading.
  • The Clean Technology sector has seen some big closures recently.  The few remaining funds that we had classified as Clean Technology had significant holdings in common with Environmental Themed funds – so keeping two fund Styles open for clients with the same core ethical aims no longer made sense.
  • Advisers and others are recommended to the support text (‘About SRI Styles’ on www.FundEcoMarket.co.uk) and recognise that funds in this sector vary.  Some invest in ‘best in sector’ companies across most industries (providing they have high environmental standards) and others  invest in a smaller cohort of more specialist, environmental technology companies.

Support ‘Introduction to SRI StylesEnvironmental Themed SRI Styles text on Fund EcoMarket  has been updated to make it clear that some Environmental funds invest significantly in Clean Technology stocks).

The Fact Find Questionnaire is  ‘work in progress’ and may continue to suggest Clean Technology as well as Environmental Themed SRI Styles for a short time.

Any questions please contact me on Julia@sriServices.co.uk