SRI Fund Database Tool now live!

Posted on: January 10th, 2012

SRI Fund Database Tool now live!

Fund EcoMarket: Now Live!

As you may be aware – the launch of the SRI Services Fund Eco Market tool was a rather low key affair. The launch teleconference was due to take place on the day I was whisked into hospital – and my appendix was duly removed two days later – on the day of the UKSIF House of Lords National Ethical Investment Week celebration!

Yours truly then spent the following weeks dealing with a subsequent infection – and then slowly and painfully arranging Christmas for two children who’s world would have been shattered if Santa had been a ‘no show’!

In spite of this the Fund Eco Market tool did go live. Fortunately the wonderful people at ‘Heehaw Digital’ who did the hard techy work making the tool a reality did not need me in the land of the living to press the ‘go’ button.

The following ‘FAQ’ style notes offer a brief introductory overview:

Fund EcoMarket – The SRI Fund Database tool for financial advisers

Who is it for? Financial Advisers who need help identifying possible sustainable and responsible investment options. (The front screen asks for adviser details to deter individual investors from accessing.)

What is it? A database of all ‘retail’ sustainable and responsible (including green and ethical) funds (source: Synaptic Systems). Also included are a number of engagement only options.

How do I interrogate the database? Enter via the Fund EcoMarket button on the SRI Services site.  The tool data is interrogated via three main questions to help advisers identify relevant investment areas, retail products and SRI styles.

What if I don’t know about SRI styles or strategies? There is information explaining these on the Fund EcoMarket section of the SRI Services website – or if you prefer you can use our purpose built, high level, tick box, ‘client fact find questionnaire’ via the drop down box in this question (select ‘Questionnaire’ option).

When should it be used? During or following client meetings

What is the tool for? The Fund EcoMarket database tool helps simplify the SRI advice process. It is intentionally high level and easy to use. It produces a comprehensive fund list for the adviser to consider with their clients – its aim is to help advisers to make use of sustainable and responsible investments more often!

How do I use it? Have a go! Although there is a extensive data and analysis behind this tool it is very quick and easy to use. It is free to access and without obligations or catches click here to enter ‘real’ or ‘example’ client details!

Please be aware this is an information tool only. It does not constitute advice. It will be periodically updated but should not be relied upon as a comprehensive source of information. If you are aware of any funds we have missed please let me know!

All feedback and comments welcome!



