SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket February 2021 newsletter

Posted on: February 23rd, 2021

SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket  February 2021 newsletter


Here is the link to our most recent newsletter – published yesterday.

To subscribe to our newsletter please sign up here.

This includes information on the new filter options (under the header of the filter field they sit in) that we have added to Fund EcoMarket to reflect recent market developments.

An explanation of recent changes and list of new filters follow:


Fund EcoMarket improvements & additions.
As you may be aware, at the start of every year we update the filter options on Fund EcoMarket to help users deal with queries they may receive about newer or increasingly high profile issues and industry developments.In addition to new filter options this year we added a new ‘Processes’ field – so that fund managers can explain how they operate in more detail – helping our c2000 pm users to look under the  bonnet!We also added a new section on our fund form asking fund managers for their (optional) Dialshifter statements – where they can set out how they aim to help ‘shift the dial’.NB

  • If you have built a fact find based on our suggestions  you may like to add some of the following to your form.
  • We have also updated the questions on our ‘SRI Stylefinder’ fact find support tool, bringing in more specific questions differentiating between ‘Sustainability Tilt’ and ‘Sustainability Themed’ funds. (Please be aware if you are working from a saved version of this).
  • Be aware we are waiting  for responses from most fund managers for these new questions. Any filter marked ‘New’ is likely to display incomplete results for the next month or two.
  • You will notice some of these refer to EU developments.  These are now (yet?) directly applicable here.  We have chosen a few we think would be particularly userful as points of reference – (and most likely to be promoted by those operating in both the UK and EU).

The new filter options  we have just added (with the guidance we gave to RFP teams who kindly complete our forms) are below:


‘Policies, Issues and Themes’ filter


Biodiversity policy Mark this box if the fund has a written biodiversity policy or theme aimed at environmental protection
Waste management Mark this box if the fund has a written policy or theme on waste management
Energy efficiency theme Mark this box if the fund has an energy efficiency theme
Require net zero action plan from all/most companies Mark this box if the fund requires all or almost all of the companies it invests in to have a ‘net zero action plan’
EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings 5-25% of assets Please only tick this box if you have calculated the proportion of fund asset that meet the Taxonomy requirements and they total 5-25% of fund assets.
EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy holdings >25% of assets Please only tick this box if you have calculated the proportion of fund asset that meet the Taxonomy requirements and they total >25% of fund assets.
Diversity policy (fund level) Mark this box if the fund has a written diversity policy – aimed at selecting companies with high standards in this area (this should ideally cover a range of issues – gender, ethnicity, disability, beliefs etc.)
Labour standards policy Mark this box if the fund has a written labour standards policy (aimed at directing investment towards companies with higher standards)
Fast fashion exclusion Mark this box if the fund excludes companies involved in the ‘fast fashion’ sector
UN Global Compact linked exclusion policy Mark this box if the fund uses the UNGC to inform where it can / cannot invest
Civilian firearms production exclusion Mark this box if the fund has a written civilian firearms exclusion policy


‘Approaches and Application’ filter


Sustainability focus Mark this box if the fund substantially focuses on sustainability issues
Encourage higher ESG standards (stewardship activity) Mark this box if a core element of this fund is to encourage higher ESG standards through stewardship / engagement /voting activity
Encourage transition to low carbon (stewardship activity) Mark this box if a core element of this fund is to encourage the transition to lower carbon activities through stewardship / engagement / voting activity
Encourage more sustainable business practices (stewardship activity) Mark this box if a core element of this fund is to encourage higher sustainability standards as through stewardship / engagement / voting activity
Focus on ESG risk mitigation Mark this box if a major focus of this fund is ESG related risk mitigation (i.e. not themes, exclusions etc.)
Strategy allows selection criteria to be altered in adverse market conditions Please select this filter if your fund has provisions in place that allows it to alter/soften investment selection criteria in adverse market conditions
Report against sustainability objectives Mark this box if this fund publicly reports performance against specific named sustainability objectives
Policies in practice
Intended for vegetarians and vegans Mark this box if the fund is specifically designed to be appropriate for vegetarians and vegans
Fund features
Passive / index driven strategy [nb reworded] (reworded from last year) Mark this box if use of an index directs where this fund can invest
Portfolio SRI / ESG options available (DFMs) For DFM’s & portfolio providers only: Mark this box if you offer an SRI / ESG portfolio option
Multiple SRI / ESG portfolio options available For DFM’s & portfolio providers only: Mark this box if you offer multiple SRI / ESG portfolio options
Bespoke SRI/ ESG portfolios available (DFMs) For DFM’s & portfolio providers only: Mark this box if you offer bespoke SRI / ESG portfolio options
Intended for investors with an interest in sustainability / ESG / ethical issues Mark this box if this fund is designed to meet the needs of retail investors with an interest in sustainability, ESG and or ethical issue
SFDR Article 6 fund / product If known – Mark this box if the fund is classified under Articles 6 of the EU’s SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Requirements)
SFDR Article 8 fund / product If known – Mark this box if the fund is classified under Article 8 of the EU’s SFDR
SFDR Article 9 fund / product If known – Mark this box if the fund is classified under Article 9 of the EU’s SFDR


‘Responsible Ownership’ filter


ESG specialists on all investment desks Mark this box if your organisation has one or more ESG/sustainability experts on all investment desks (all asset types)
Stewardship and Responsible Ownership
Company wide ‘Net Zero’ Commitment Mark this box if your organisation has a company wide ‘net zero commitment’
Working towards a ‘Net Zero’ commitment Mark this box if your organisation is working towards a companywide ‘net zero commitment’
Carbon transition plan published Mark this box if your organisation has a companywide carbon transition plan
‘Forward Looking Climate Metrics’ published Mark this box if you have published ‘forward looking climate metrics’ e.g. implied temperature rise applying to your assets under management
PRI A+ rated Mark this box if your organisation has an A+ PRI rating
Affiliations and Collaboration
UN Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance member Mark this box if your organisation is a member of the UN Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance
Other company features
Inhouse diversity improvement programme Mark this box if your organisation has an in house (companywide) diversity improvement programme